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  1. Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič [Other]; Rachmaninov, Sergej Vasilʹevič [Other]; Stravinsky, Igor [Other]; Beyer, Michael [Other]; Abbado, Claudio [Performer]; Grimaud, Hélène [Performer] ; Lucerne Festival Orchestra

    Lucerne Festival 2008 (1 Videokassette)



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    [S.l.]: Arte [u.a.], 2008

  2. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Keel, Meinrad [Other]; Lutz, Rudolf [Performer]; Hjemli, Guro [Performer]; Sandhoff, Ruth [Performer]; Kaleschke, Johannes [Performer]; Nef, Robert [Performer] Schola Seconda Pratica, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir : BWV 38 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, [2008]

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 38

  3. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Keel, Meinrad [Other]; Lutz, Rudolf [Performer]; Oltiványi, Eva [Performer]; Börner, Jan [Performer]; Pfeifer, Julius [Performer]; Volpert, Markus [Performer]; Camartin, Iso [Performer] Schola Seconda Pratica, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Christen, ätzet diesen Tag : BWV 63 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, [2008]

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 63

  4. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Keel, Meinrad [Other]; Lutz, Rudolf [Performer]; Hofbauer, Ulrike [Performer]; Eichenberger, Claude [Performer]; Häger, Klaus [Performer]; Schönborn, Felizitas von [Performer] Schola Seconda Pratica, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott : BWV 129 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, c 2008

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 129

  5. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Keel, Meinrad [Other]; Lutz, Rudolf [Performer]; Eichenberger, Claude [Performer]; Seitter-Frei, Susanne [Performer]; Hart Nibbrig, Christiaan L. [Performer] Schola Seconda Pratica, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Gott soll allein mein Herze haben : BWV 169 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, c 2008

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 169

  6. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Keel, Meinrad [Other]; Lutz, Rudolf [Performer]; Neumann, Julia [Performer]; Oitzinger, Margot [Performer]; Berchtold, Bernhard [Performer]; Volpert, Markus [Performer]; Görner, Rüdiger [Performer] Schola Seconda Pratica, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Jesu, der du meine Seele : BWV 78 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, [2008]

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 78

  7. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Keel, Meinrad [Other]; Lutz, Rudolf [Performer]; Müller, Roswitha [Performer]; Berchtold, Bernhard [Performer]; Friedrich, Wolf Matthias [Performer]; Hjemli, Guro [Performer]; Dubs, Rolf [Performer] Schola Seconda Pratica, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Jesus schläft, was soll ich hoffen : BWV 81 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, c 2008

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 81

  8. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Keel, Meinrad [Other]; Lutz, Rudolf [Performer]; Potter, Alex [Performer]; Post, Andreas [Performer]; Volpert, Markus [Performer]; Meyer, Martin [Performer] Schola Seconda Pratica, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin : BWV 125 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, c 2008

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 125

  9. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Keel, Meinrad [Other]; Lutz, Rudolf [Performer]; Feuersinger, Miriam [Performer]; Sandhoff, Ruth [Performer]; Weller, Andreas [Performer]; Volpert, Markus [Performer]; Graesslé, Isabelle [Performer] Schola Seconda Pratica, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Siehe, ich will viel Fischer aussenden : BWV 88 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, c 2008

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 88

  10. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Keel, Meinrad [Other]; Lutz, Rudolf [Performer]; Rial, Núria [Performer]; Berchtold, Bernhard [Performer]; Volpert, Markus [Performer]; Matt, Beatrice von [Performer] Schola Seconda Pratica, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme : BWV 140 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, c 2008

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 140

  11. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Keel, Meinrad [Other]; Lutz, Rudolf [Performer]; Wey, Terry [Performer]; Türk, Gerd [Performer]; Volpert, Markus [Performer]; Hjemli, Guro [Performer]; Hoby-Peter, Katharina [Performer] Schola Seconda Pratica, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Wo gehest du hin : BWV 166 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, c 2008

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 166

  12. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Keel, Meinrad [Other]; Lutz, Rudolf [Performer]; Seitter-Frei, Susanne [Performer]; Frey, Antonia [Performer]; Kaleschke, Johannes [Performer]; Abele, Ekkehard [Performer]; Held, Thomas [Performer] Schola Seconda Pratica, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott : BWV 139 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, c 2008

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 139