Bach, Johann Sebastian
James, David
Mauch, Monika
Potter, John
Jones, Gordon
Poppen, Christoph
[Performer]TheHilliardEnsemble Musikgruppe
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[S.l.]: Empresa Pública de Gestión de Programas Culturales, 1997
[S.l.]: [Polymedia Music Service (Vertrieb)], 1997
Published in:Documentos sonoros del patrimonio musical de Anadalucía ; Serie 1, Claśica
Metcalf, Joanne
Finnissy, Michael
Casken, John
Feldman, Morton
Moody, Ivan
Hellawell, Piers
Robinson, Paul
Tormis, Veljo
MacMillan, James
Pärt, Arvo
Liddle, Elizabeth
Guy, Barry
[Other]TheHilliardEnsemble Musikgruppe
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London: Virgin Classics Ltd., c 1994
Published in:Virgin Edition
Morales, Cristóbal de
La Rue, Pierre de
Dufay, Guillaume
James, David
Covey-Crump, Rogers
Potter, John
Jones, Gordon
Garbarek, Jan
TheHilliardEnsemble Musikgruppe
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Hayes: EMI Records, P 1992
Published in:Reflexe
Verdelot, Philippe
Arcadelt, Jacob
Marenzio, Luca
Rore, Cipriano de
Willaert, Adrian
Lasso, Orlando di
TheHilliardEnsemble Musikgruppe