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  1. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Other]; Leonhardt, Gustav [Performer]; Hartinger, Albert [Performer]; Harnoncourt, Nikolaus [Performer]; Bergius, Alan [Performer]; Jacobs, René [Performer]; Esswood, Paul [Performer]; Altena, Marius van [Performer]; Equiluz, Kurt [Performer]; Egmond, Max van [Performer]; Heldwein, Walter [Performer] ; Knabenchor Hannover, Collegium Vocale Gent, Leonhardt Consort Amsterdam, Tölzer Knabenchor, Concentus Musicus Wien

    The sacred cantatas / 42, Cantatas, BWV 134-137 (1 CD)

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    c 2007

    Published in: The sacred cantatas / J. S. Bach. [Interpr.:] Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Gustav Leonhardt ; 42

  2. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Other]; Holl, Robert [Other]; Esswood, Paul [Other]; Equiluz, Kurt [Other]; Jacobs, René [Other]; Egmond, Max van [Other]; Huttenlocher, Philippe [Other]; Altena, Marius van [Other]; Hartinger, Albert [Other]; Heldwein, Walter [Other]; Harnoncourt, Nikolaus [Performer] Knabenchor Hannover, Tölzer Knabenchor, Collegium Vocale Gent

    Das Kantatenwerk / 7, BWV 119 - 137 (6 Compact-Discs in Box)

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    [S.l.]: Teldec Classics International, 1994

    Published in: Das Kantatenwerk / Johann Sebastian Bach ; sacr,7

  3. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Burns, Nancy [Other]; Watts, Helen [Other]; Gohl, Verena [Other]; Kraus, Adalbert [Other]; Altmeyer, Theo [Other]; Heldwein, Walter [Other]; Nimsgern, Siegmund [Other]; Augér, Arleen [Performer]; Hamari, Julia [Performer]; Baldin, Aldo [Performer]; Huttenlocher, Philippe [Performer]; Rilling, Helmuth [Performer] Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Frankfurter Kantorei, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart

    Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist : BWV 45 = It hath thee been told, man, what is good (1 Compact Disc)

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    Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1991

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Die Bach-Kantate. ; 45

  4. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Gohl, Verena [Other]; Kessler, Martha [Other]; Watts, Helen [Other]; Kraus, Adalbert [Other]; Baldin, Aldo [Other]; Schöne, Wolfgang [Other]; Nielsen, Inga [Performer]; Watkinson, Carolyn [Performer]; Altmeyer, Theo [Performer]; Heldwein, Walter [Performer]; Rilling, Helmuth [Performer] Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Frankfurter Kantorei, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart

    Es ist ein trotzig und verzagt Ding : BWV 176 = There is a daring and a shy thing (1 Compact Disc)

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    Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1991

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Die Bach-Kantate. ; 39

  5. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Augér, Arleen [Other]; Watts, Helen [Other]; Pugh, Katharina [Other]; Hamari, Julia [Other]; Schreier, Peter [Other]; Heldwein, Walter [Other]; Schöne, Wolfgang [Other]; Graf, Kathrin [Performer]; Gardow, Helrun [Performer]; Kraus, Adalbert [Performer]; Tüller, Niklaus [Performer]; Rilling, Helmuth [Performer] Figuralchor der Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart, Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart

    Ihr Menschen, rühmet Gottes Liebe : BWV 167 = Ye mortals, tell of God's devotion (1 Compact Disc)

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    Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1991

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Die Bach-Kantate. ; 41

  6. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Rilling, Helmuth [Other]; Kraus, Adalbert [Performer]; Schöne, Wolfgang [Performer]; Heldwein, Walter [Performer]; Augér, Arleen [Performer]; Watkinson, Carolyn [Performer]; Schreiber, Magdalene [Performer]; Watts, Helen [Performer]; Harder, Lutz-Michael [Performer]; Huttenlocher, Philippe [Performer] Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Figuralchor der Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart

    Meine Seufzer, meine Tränen : BWV 13; [Kantaten zum 2. und 3. Sonntag nach Epiphanias] = Of my sighing, of my crying (1 CD : stereo, AAD)

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    Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, c 1989

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Die Bach-Kantate. ; 23

  7. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Wiens, Edith [Other]; Schreckenbach, Gabriele [Other]; Höffgen, Marga [Other]; Kraus, Adalbert [Other]; Baldin, Aldo [Other]; Huttenlocher, Philippe [Other]; Heldwein, Walter [Other]; Augér, Arleen [Performer]; Watts, Helen [Performer]; Harder, Lutz-Michael [Performer]; Bröcheler, John [Performer]; Rilling, Helmuth [Performer] Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart

    Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan II : BWV 99 = What God doth, that is rightly done II (1 Compact Disc)

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    Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1991

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Die Bach-Kantate. ; 51

  8. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Wiens, Edith [Performer]; Heldwein, Walter [Performer]; Rilling, Helmuth [Performer]; Watkinson, Carolyn [Performer]; Schreier, Peter [Performer]; Schöne, Wolfgang [Performer]; Csapò, Eva [Performer]; Soffel, Doris [Performer]; Crause, Adam [Performer]; Augér, Arleen [Performer]; Schreckenbach, Gabriele [Performer] Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Frankfurter Kantorei

    Christ lag in Todesbanden : BWV 4 = Christ lay to death in bondage (1 CD : stereo)

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    Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, c 1987

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Die Bach-Kantate. ; 13

  9. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Rilling, Helmuth [Performer]; Erhard, Hans Joachim [Performer]; Behringer, Michael [Performer]; Donath, Helen [Performer]; Laurich, Hildegard [Performer]; Kraus, Adalbert [Performer]; Tüller, Niklaus [Performer]; Augér, Arleen [Performer]; Watkinson, Carolyn [Performer]; Heldwein, Walter [Performer]; Schuster, Martha [Performer] Frankfurter Kantorei, Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn

    Musik in Stuttgart : Helmuth Rilling mit Chor- und Instrumentalmusik (3 Schallpl. in Kassette)

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    Neuhausen: Hänssler, P 1986

    Published in: Laudate

  10. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Rilling, Helmuth [Performer]; Hahn, Klaus-Peter [Performer]; Lom, Thomas [Performer]; Erhard, Hans Joachim [Performer]; Watkinson, Carolyn [Performer]; Huttenlocher, Philippe [Performer]; Clement, Manfred [Performer]; Forchert, Walter [Performer]; Augér, Arleen [Performer]; Watts, Helen [Performer]; Kraus, Adalbert [Performer]; Heldwein, Walter [Performer]; Passin, Günther [Performer]; Rothweiler, Hedda [Performer]; Thunemann, Klaus [Performer]; Boesen, Albert [Performer] Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart

    Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch : Kantate BWV 86 zum Sonntag Rogate; für Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Baß, vierstimmigen Chor, 2 Oboen d'amore, Violine, Streicher und Generalbaß (1 Schallpl)

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    Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler-Verl., P 1981

    Published in: Die Bach-Kantate

  11. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Rilling, Helmuth [Performer]; Rettig, Georg [Performer]; Schacht, Hans-Joachim [Performer]; Passin, Günther [Performer]; Rothweiler, Hedda [Performer]; Keller, Dietmar [Performer]; Etzold, Kurt [Performer]; Forchert, Walter [Performer]; Michel, Hannelore [Performer]; Lom, Thomas [Performer]; Gräser, Manfred [Performer]; Augér, Arleen [Performer]; Erhard, Hans Joachim [Performer]; Schuster, Martha [Performer]; Gamo-Yamamoto, Nobuko [Performer]; Kunz, Hanns-Friedrich [Performer]; Graf, Peter-Lukas [Performer]; Goritzki, Ingo [Performer]; Hamari, Julia [Performer]; Laurich, Hildegard [Performer]; Kraus, Adalbert [Performer]; Heldwein, Walter [Performer]; Schöne, Wolfgang [Performer]; Schmid, Bernhard [Performer]; Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Frankfurter Kantorei, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart

    Christen, ätzet diesen Tag : Kantaten BWV 63 zum 1. Weihnachtsfeiertag, für Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Baß, vierstimmigen Chor, 4 Trompeten, Pauken, 3 Oboen, Fagott, Streicher und Generalbaß (1 Schallpl)

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    Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler-Verlag, P 1982

    Published in: Die Bach-Kantate

  12. Alberto, Cleber Maus; Streck, Nereu Augusto; Walter, Lidiane Cristine; Rosa, Hamilton Telles; Menezes, Nilson Lemos de; Heldwein, Arno Bernardo

    Modelagem do desenvolvimento de trigo considerando diferentes temperaturas cardinais e métodos de cálculo da função de resposta à temperatura

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    FapUNIFESP (SciELO), 2009

    Published in: Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 44 (2009) 6, Seite 545-553

  13. Streck, Nereu Augusto; Rosa, Hamilton Telles; Walter, Lidiane Cristine; Bosco, Leosane Cristina; Lago, Isabel; Heldwein, Arno Bernardo

    O fenômeno El Niño Oscilação Sul e a variabilidade interanual da evaporação do tanque Classe A e da umidade relativa do ar em Santa Maria, RS

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    FapUNIFESP (SciELO), 2008

    Published in: Ciência Rural, 38 (2008) 5, Seite 1452-1455

  14. Gruendel, Sindy; Otto, Baerbel; Garcia, Ada L.; Wagner, Karen; Mueller, Corinna; Weickert, Martin O.; Heldwein, Walter; Koebnick, Corinna

    Carob pulp preparation rich in insoluble dietary fibre and polyphenols increases plasma glucose and serum insulin responses in combination with a glucose load in humans

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    Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2007

    Published in: British Journal of Nutrition, 98 (2007) 1, Seite 101-105

  15. Heinzlmann, Maria; Lang, Susanne M.; Neynaber, Sven; Reinshagen, Max; Emmrich, Joerg; Stratakis, Diana F.; Heldwein, Walter; Wiebecke, Baldur; Loeschke, Klaus

    Screening for p53 and K-ras mutations in whole-gut lavage in chronic inflammatory bowel disease

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    Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2002

    Published in: European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 14 (2002) 10, Seite 1061-1066

  16. Schaefer, Martin; Schmidt, Folkhard; Folwaczny, Christian; Lorenz, Reinhard; Martin, Gaby; Schindlbeck, Norbert; Heldwein, Walter; Soyka, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Koenig, August; Loeschke, Klaus

    Adherence and mental side effects during hepatitis C treatment with interferon alfa and ribavirin in psychiatric risk groups

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    Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2003

    Published in: Hepatology, 37 (2003) 2, Seite 443-451

  17. Beuers, Ulrich; Spengler, Ulrich; Kruis, Wolfgang; Aydemir, ülker; Wiebecke, Baldur; Heldwein, Walter; Weinzierl, Marlene; Pape, Gerd R.; Sauerbruch, Tilman; Paumgartner, Gustav

    Ursodeoxycholic Acid for Treatment of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: A Placebo–Controlled Trial

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    Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 1992

    Published in: Hepatology, 16 (1992) 3, Seite 707-714