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  1. Robson, Jon; Sutton, Rowan T.; Archibald, Alex; Cooper, Fenwick; Christensen, Matthew; Gray, Lesley J.; Holliday, N. Penny; Macintosh, Claire; McMillan, Malcolm; Moat, Ben; Russo, Maria; Tilling, Rachel; Carslaw, Ken; Desbruyères, Damien; Embury, Owen; Feltham, Daniel L.; Grosvenor, Daniel P.; Josey, Simon; King, Brian; Lewis, Alastair; McCarthy, Gerard D.; Merchant, Chris; New, Adrian L.; O'Reilly, Christopher H.; [...]

    Recent multivariate changes in the North Atlantic climate system, with a focus on 2005–2016

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    Wiley, 2018

    Published in: International Journal of Climatology, 38 (2018) 14, Seite 5050-5076

  2. Fink, Ericka L.; Kochanek, Patrick M.; Panigrahy, Ashok; Beers, Sue R.; Berger, Rachel P.; Bayir, Hülya; Pineda, Jose; Newth, Christopher; Topjian, Alexis A.; Press, Craig A.; Maddux, Aline B.; Willyerd, Frederick; Hunt, Elizabeth A.; Siems, Ashley; Chung, Melissa G.; Smith, Lincoln; Wenger, Jesse; Doughty, Lesley; Diddle, J. Wesley; Patregnani, Jason; Piantino, Juan; Walson, Karen Hallermeier; Balakrishnan, Binod; Meyer, Michael T.; [...]

    Association of Blood-Based Brain Injury Biomarker Concentrations With Outcomes After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest

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    American Medical Association (AMA), 2022

    Published in: JAMA Network Open, 5 (2022) 9, Seite e2230518

  3. Fink, Ericka L.; Kochanek, Patrick M.; Beers, Sue R.; Clark, Robert R. S. B.; Berger, Rachel P.; Bayir, Hülya; Topjian, Alexis A.; Newth, Christopher; Press, Craig; Maddux, Aline B.; Willyerd, Frederick; Hunt, Elizabeth A.; Siems, Ashley; Chung, Melissa G.; Smith, Lincoln; Doughty, Leslie; Diddle, J. Wesley; Patregnani, Jason; Piantino, Juan; Walson, Karen Hallermeier; Balakrishnan, Binod; Meyer, Michael T.; Friess, Stuart; Pineda, Jose; [...]

    Assessment of Brain Magnetic Resonance and Spectroscopy Imaging Findings and Outcomes After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest

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    American Medical Association (AMA), 2023

    Published in: JAMA Network Open, 6 (2023) 6, Seite e2320713

  4. Luchsinger, José A.; Younes, Naji; Manly, Jennifer J.; Barzilay, Joshua; Valencia, Willy; Larkin, Mary E.; Falck-Ytter, Corinna; Krause-Steinrauf, Heidi; Pop-Busui, Rodica; Florez, Hermes; Seaquist, Elizabeth; Crandall, Jill P.; McKee, Melissa Diane; Brown-Friday, Janet; Xhori, Entila; Ballentine-Cargill, Keisha; Duran, Sally; Lukin, Jennifer; Beringher, Stephanie; Gonzalez de la torre, Susana; Phillips, Lawrence; Burgess, Elizabeth; Olson, Darin; Rhee, Mary; [...]

    Association of Glycemia, Lipids, and Blood Pressure With Cognitive Performance in People With Type 2 Diabetes in the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE)

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    American Diabetes Association, 2021

    Published in: Diabetes Care, 44 (2021) 10, Seite 2286-2292

  5. Sivitz, William I.; Phillips, Lawrence S.; Wexler, Deborah J.; Fortmann, Stephen P.; Camp, Anne W.; Tiktin, Margaret; Perez, Magalys; Craig, Jacqueline; Hollander, Priscilla A.; Cherrington, Andrea; Aroda, Vanita R.; Tan, Meng Hee; Krakoff, Jonathan; Rasouli, Neda; Butera, Nicole M.; Younes, Naji; Crandall, Jill P.; Diane McKee, Melissa; Brown-Friday, Janet; Xhori, Entila; Ballentine-Cargill, Keisha; Duran, Sally; Lukin, Jennifer; Beringher, Stephanie; [...]

    Optimization of Metformin in the GRADE Cohort: Effect on Glycemia and Body Weight

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    American Diabetes Association, 2020

    Published in: Diabetes Care, 43 (2020) 5, Seite 940-947

  6. Wexler, Deborah J.; Krause-Steinrauf, Heidi; Crandall, Jill P.; Florez, Hermes J.; Hox, Sophia H.; Kuhn, Alexander; Sood, Ajay; Underkofler, Chantal; Aroda, Vanita R.; Crandall, Jill P.; McKee, Melissa Diane; Brown-Friday, Janet; Xhori, Entila; Ballentine-Cargill, Keisha; Duran, Sally; Lukin, Jennifer; Beringher, Stephanie; Gonzalez de la Torre, Susana; Phillips, Lawrence; Burgess, Elizabeth; Olson, Darin; Rhee, Mary; Wilson, Peter; Raines, Tasha Stephanie; [...]

    Baseline Characteristics of Randomized Participants in the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE)

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    American Diabetes Association, 2019

    Published in: Diabetes Care, 42 (2019) 11, Seite 2098-2107

  7. Boyer, T.; Blunden, J.; Dunn, R. J. H.; Ades, Melanie; Adler, Robert; Adusumilli, Susheel; Agyakwah, W.; Ahmadpour, Somayeh; Aldeco, Laura S.; Alexander, Michael A.; Alexe, Mihai; Alfaro, Eric J.; Allan, Richard P.; Allgood, Adam; Alves, Lincoln M.; Amador, Jorge A.; Amaya, Dillon J.; Amory, Charles; Anderson, John; Andrade, B.; Andreassen, Liss Marie; Anneville, Orlane; Aono, Yasuyuki; Arguez, Anthony; [...]


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    American Meteorological Society, 2024

    Published in: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 105 (2024) 8, Seite S1-S11

  8. Boyer, Tim; Bartow-Gillies, Ellen; Abida, A.; Ades, Melanie; Adler, Robert; Adusumilli, Susheel; Agyakwah, W.; Ahmasuk, Brandon; Aldeco, Laura S.; Alexe, Mihai; Alfaro, Eric J.; Allan, Richard P.; Allgood, Adam; Alves, Lincoln. M.; Amador, Jorge A.; Anderson, John; Andrade, B.; Anneville, Orlane; Aono, Yasuyuki; Arguez, Anthony; Arosio, Carlo; Atkinson, C.; Augustine, John A.; Avalos, Grinia; [...]


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    American Meteorological Society, 2023

    Published in: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104 (2023) 9, Seite S1-S10