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  1. McVeagh, Diana; Elgar; Chapman, Michael; Sinfonia, Northern; Marriner

    Contrasts: The Lighter Elgar

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    JSTOR, 1971

    Published in: The Musical Times, 112 (1971) 1536, Seite 143

  2. Brett, Philip; Britten, Benjamin; Lott, Felicity; Langridge, Philip; Allen, Thomas; Bonnell, Carlos; Ellis, Osian; Johnson, Graham; Sinfonia, Northern; Choir, Wenhaston Boys; Singers, BBC; Bedford, Steuart; Anderson, Lorna; Nathan, Regina; McDougall, Jamie; Martineau, Malcolm; Lewis, Bryn; Ogden, Craig

    Toeing the Line

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    JSTOR, 1996

    Published in: The Musical Times, 137 (1996) 1843, Seite 7

  3. Bax, Arnold Komponist; Gardiner, Henry Balfour Komponist; German, Edward Komponist; Walton, William Komponist; Warlock, Peter Komponist ; Northern Sinfonia

    ENGLISH MINIATURES - Orchestral Music by Gardiner, Quilter, Walton, Goossens, Bax, Warlock and German (Hickox)

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    Warner Classics - Parlophone, 030303

    Published in: Warner Classics - Parlophone

  4. Eichner, Ernst Komponist; Holzbauer, Ignaz Komponist; Lebrun, Ludwig August Komponist; Winter, Peter von Komponist ; Northern Sinfonia

    LEBRUN, L.A.: Oboenkonzert Nr. 7 / HOLZBAUER, I.: Oboenkonzert d-Moll / WINTER, P.: Oboenkonzert Nr. 2 (Meier)

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    Pan Classics, 070101

    Published in: Pan Classics

  5. Erkin, Ulvi Cemal Komponist; Kodallı, Nevit Komponist; Rey, Cemal Reşit Komponist; Tanc, Cengiz Komponist ; Northern Sinfonia

    Music for Strings from Turkey - TANÇ. C. / ERKIN, U.C. / KODALLI, N. / REY, C.R. (Lyric Concerto) (Suna Kan, Northern Sinfonia, Griffiths)

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    Deutsche Grammophon, 240424

    Published in: Deutsche Grammophon

  6. Forster, Christoph Komponist; Punto, Giovanni Komponist; Rosetti, Antonio Komponist ; Northern Sinfonia

    PUNTO, G.: Horn Concerto No. 5 / ROSETTI, A.: Horn Concerto in E-Flat Major / FORSTER, C.: Horn Concerto in E-Flat Major (Francomb)

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    Pan Classics, 050101

    Published in: Pan Classics