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  1. Deng, Lual Acuek Lual [Editor]; Tjønneland, Elling Njål [Other] ; Chr. Michelsens institutt

    South Africa : wealth, poverty and reconstruction



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    Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute [u.a.], 1996

  2. Usborne, Nicola [Author] ; Russell, Jeffrey [Other] Europäische Kommission Generaldirektion Entwicklung, Information

    Southern Africa & the European Union

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    Luxembourg [u.a.]: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994

    Published in: Development ; 78

  3. Heubeck, Christoph [Author]; Thomsen, Tonny B. [Author]; Heredia, Benjamin D. [Author]; Zeh, Armin [Author]; Balling, Philipp [Author]; 2 The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) Copenhagen Denmark [Author]; 3 KIT ‐ Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Campus Süd Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften Mineralogie und Petrologie Karlsruhe Germany [Author]; 1 Department of Geosciences Friedrich‐Schiller Universität Jena Jena Germany [Author]

    The Malolotsha Klippe: Large‐Scale Subhorizontal Tectonics Along the Southern Margin of the Archean Barberton Greenstone Belt, Eswatini

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    GEO-LEOe-docs (FID GEO), 2023-01-03

  4. Central Bank of Eswatini Economic Policy, Research and Statistics Department

    Research bulletin

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    Mbabane, Eswatini: The Economic Policy, Research and Statistics Department, March, 2019- / Volume 3 (Apr 2018/Mar 2019)-