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  1. Mahy, Margaret [Author] ; Bodmer, Michel [Translator]; Bodmer, Michel [Other]; Hauptmann, Tatjana [Illustrator]

    Rasende Roboter und ohnmächtige Onkel - [1. Aufl.]



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    München; Wien: Hanser, 1995

  2. Kaurismäki, Aki [Author] ; Bodmer, Michel [Translator]; Bodmer, Michel [Other]

    I hired a contract killer : Drehbuch - [Erstausg.]



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    Zürich: Haffmans, 1991

    Published in: Haffmans-Taschenbuch ; 108

  3. Delon, Michel [Editor]; Abramovici, Jean-Christophe [Adapter] ; Fondation Martin Bodmer, Exposition Sade, un athée en amour 2014-2015 Cologny

    Sade, un athée en amour : [ouvrage publié à l'occasion de l'exposition Sade, un athée en amour, présentée à la Fondation Martin Bodmer du 6 décembre 2014 au 12 avril 2015]

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    [Cologny]: Fondation Martin Bodmer, 2014 ; Cologny: Fondation Martin Bodmer, 2014

  4. Jeanneret, Michel [Editor]; Natale, Mauro [Other] ; Fondation Martin Bodmer Musée, Exposition La Renaissance Italienne. Peintres et Poètes dans les Collections Genevoises 2006 - 2007 Cologny

    La Renaissance italienne : peintres et poètes dans les collections genevoises ; [à l'occasion de l'Exposition "La Renaissance Italienne, Peintres et Poètes dans les Collections Genevoises", Musée de la Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cologny - Genève, 25 novembre 2006 - 1er avril 2007]

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    Genève: Fondation Martin Bodmer, 2006 ; Milano: Skira, 2006

  5. Bodmer, Johann Jakob [Author]; Bodmer, Johann Jakob [Identified author] ; Macklot, Johann Michael [Printer]

    Die Gräfinn von Gleichen : ein Gedicht mit einem historischen Vorberichte

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    Carlsruhe: Macklot, 1771 ; Online-Ausg., Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2017

  6. Bodmer, Johann Jakob [Author] ; Macklot, Johann Michael [Publisher]

    Conradin von Schwaben : ein Gedicht mit einem historischen Vorberichte

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    Carlsruhe: verlegts Michael Macklot, 1771. ; Online-Ausgabe, München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2010

  7. Bodmer, M.; Michel, A.; Brechbühl, M.; Zanoni, R.; Peterhans, E.; Steiner, A.; Kaufmann, T.

    Erfahrungen mit einer BVD-freien Alpung im Sommer 2006

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    Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierarztinnen und Tierarzte, 2008

    Published in: Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 150 (2008) 6, Seite 267-271

  8. Roethlisberger, Michel; Muller, Laurent; Rychen, Jonathan; Negoias, Simona; Guzman, Raphael; Zweifel, Christian; Christ, Emanuel; Bodmer, Daniel; Mariani, Luigi; Brand, Yves

    Die endonasal-endoskopische Rhino-Neurochirurgie

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    EMH Swiss Medical Publishers, Ltd., 2022

    Published in: Swiss Medical Forum ‒ Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum (2022)

  9. Roethlisberger, Michel; Muller, Laurent; Rychen, Jonathan; Negoias, Simona; Guzman, Raphael; Zweifel, Christian; Christ, Emanuel; Bodmer, Daniel; Mariani, Luigi; Brand, Yves

    La rhino-neurochirurgie endoscopique endonasale

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    EMH Swiss Medical Publishers, Ltd., 2022

    Published in: Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum (2022)

  10. Roethlisberger, Michel; Moffa, Giusi; Rychen, Jonathan; Saemann, Attill; Straumann, Sven; Taub, Ethan; Zumofen, Daniel W.; Neddersen, Heike; Westermann, Birgit; Bodmer, Daniel; Mariani, Luigi

    Long-term tumor control in Koos grade IV vestibular schwannomas without the need for gross-total resection

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    Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG), 2023

    Published in: Journal of Neurosurgery (2023), Seite 1-14

  11. Bonnefoi, Hervé; MacGrogan, Gaetan; Poncet, Coralie; Iggo, Richard; Pommeret, Fanny; Grellety, Thomas; Larsimont, Denis; Bécette, Véronique; Kerdraon, Olivier; Bibeau, Frédéric; Ghnassia, Jean-Pierre; Picquenot, Jean-Michel; Thomas, Jeremy; Tille, Jean-Christophe; Slaets, Leen; Bodmer, Alexandre; Bergh, Jonas; Cameron, David

    Molecular apocrine tumours in EORTC 10994/BIG 1-00 phase III study: pathological response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and clinical outcomes

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019

    Published in: British Journal of Cancer, 120 (2019) 9, Seite 913-921

  12. Brivio, Erica; Hoogendijk, Raoull; Chantrain, Christophe; Rialland, Fanny; Contet, Audrey; Elitzur, Sarah; Dalla-Pozza, Luciano; Kallay, Krisztian; Li, Chi Kong; Kato, Motohiro; Markova, Inna V; Schmiegelow, Kjeld; Bodmer, Nicole; Pieters, Rob; Zwaan, Christian Michel

    A Retrospective Study on Inotuzumab Ozogamicin in Infants and Young Children with Relapsed or Refractory Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

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    American Society of Hematology, 2019

    Published in: Blood, 134 (2019) Supplement_1, Seite 3890-3890

  13. Brivio, Erica; Chantrain, Christophe F.; Gruber, Tanja A.; Thano, Adriana; Rialland, Fanny; Contet, Audrey; Elitzur, Sarah; Dalla‐Pozza, Luciano; Kállay, Krisztián Miklós; Li, Chi‐kong; Kato, Motohiro; Markova, Inna; Schmiegelow, Kjeld; Bodmer, Nicole; Breese, Erin H.; Hoogendijk, Raoull; Pieters, Rob; Zwaan, Christian Michel

    Inotuzumab ozogamicin in infants and young children with relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: a case series

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    Wiley, 2021

    Published in: British Journal of Haematology, 193 (2021) 6, Seite 1172-1177

  14. Kaspers, Gertjan J.L.; Wijnen, Noa E.; Koedijk, Joost B.; Ishimaru, Sae; Benedictus, Renske; Van Opstal, Ellen C.; Van Tinteren, Harm; Zwaan, C. Michel; Biserna, Noha; Downs, Pamela; Duong, Yvonne; Kamel, Yasser Mostafa; Abrahamsson, Jonas; Arad-Cohen, Nira; Bodmer, Nicole; Castillo, Luis; Cheuk, Daniel; Costa, Vitor; De Moerloose, Barbara; Fernandez Navarro, Jose Maria; Fogelstrand, Linda; Goemans, Bianca F.; Hasle, Henrik; Jonsson, Olafur G.; [...]

    Chip-AML22 Master Protocol: An Open-Label Clinical Trial in Newly Diagnosed Pediatric De Novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Patients Including a Linked Phase II Trial with Quizartinib in FLT3-ITD/ NPM1wt Patients - a Study By the NOPHO-DB-SHIP Consortium

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    American Society of Hematology, 2023

    Published in: Blood, 142 (2023) Supplement 1, Seite 1532-1532

  15. Llauradó, Gemma; Vlacho, Bogdan; Wargny, Matthieu; Ruan, Yue; Franch-Nadal, Josep; Domingo, Pere; Gourdy, Pierre; Saulnier, Pierre-Jean; Hadjadj, Samy; Wild, Sarah H.; Rea, Rustam; Cariou, Bertrand; Khunti, Kamlesh; Mauricio, Dídac; Arroyo, Juan Antonio; Chillarón, Juan-José; Corcoy, Rosa; Güerri, Roberto; Mata-Cases, Manel; Ortega, Emilio; Pichelin, Matthieu; Saignes, Maëva; Saunier, Jeanne; Andaloussi, Selma El; [...]

    The association between macrovascular complications and intensive care admission, invasive mechanical ventilation, and mortality in people with diabetes hospitalized for coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19)

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: Cardiovascular Diabetology, 21 (2022) 1