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  1. Schleiermacher, Steffen [Composer]; Boldt, Paul [Lyricist]; Däubler, Theodor [Lyricist]; Ehrenstein, Albert [Lyricist]; Heym, Georg [Lyricist]; Hoddis, Jakob van [Lyricist]; Klemm, Wilhelm [Lyricist]; Kolmar, Gertrud [Lyricist]; Lacour-Torrup, Ingeborg [Lyricist]; Lasker-Schüler, Else [Lyricist]; Lichtenstein, Alfred [Lyricist]; Liliencron, Detlev von [Lyricist]; Herrmann-Neiße, Max [Lyricist]; Scheerbart, Paul [Lyricist]; Stadler, Ernst [Lyricist]; Stramm, August [Lyricist]; Wense, Hans Jürgen von der [Lyricist]; Weissmann, Maria Luise [Lyricist]; Wolfenstein, Alfred [Lyricist]

    Mein expressionistisches Gehege : Lieder mit Texten von Paul Boldt, Theodor Däubler, Albert Ehrenstein, Georg Heym, Jakob van Hoddis, Wilhelm Klemm, Gertrud Kolmar, Ingeborg Lacour-Torrup, Else Lasker-Schüler, Alfred Lichtenstein, Detlev von Liliencron, Max Hermann-Neiße, Paul Scheerbart, Ernst Stadler, August Stramm, Hans Jürgen von der Wense, Marie Luise Weissmann und Alfred Wolfenstein - Partitur

    Notated Music


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    Leipzig: Steffen Schleiermacher, 2020

  2. Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von [Other]; Strittmatter, Eva [Other]; Zitz, Kathinka [Other]; Lasker-Schüler, Else [Other]; Hahn, Ulla [Other]; Günderode, Karoline von [Other]; Arnim, Bettina von [Other]; Kiwus, Karin [Other]; Christen, Ada [Other]; Paoli, Betty [Other]; Stoecklin, Francisca [Other]; Fendel, Rosemarie [Performer]; Hoger, Hannelore [Performer]; Humpe, Inga [Performer]

    Komm zu mir in der Nacht auf Siebensternenschuhen : Dichterinnen-Projekt; Lyrik von Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Else Lasker-Schüler, Ulla Hahn u.a. (1 CD im Schuber)

    Sound Recordings


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    [Köln]: Random House Audio, 2003

  3. Carter, Patrick M. [Author]; Cunningham, Rebecca M. [Author]; Roche, Jessica S. [Author]; Zimmerman, Marc A. [Author]; Walton, Maureen A. [Author]; Heinze, Justin [Author]; Goldstick, Jason E. [Author]; Dora-Laskey, Aaron D. [Author]

    Arrests among high-risk youth following emergency department treatment for an assault injury

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    Published in: American journal of preventive medicine ; 2018

  4. Roche, Jessica S. [Author]; Cunningham, Rebecca M. [Author]; Ngo, Quyen M. [Author]; Walton, Maureen A. [Author]; Dora-Laskey, Aaron [Author]; Carter, Patrick M. [Author]; Clery, Michael J. [Author]

    Tracking assault-injured, drug-using youth in longitudinal research: Follow-up methods

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    Published in: Academic emergency medicine ; 25(2018), 11, Seite 1204-1215

  5. Thompson, Luke R. [Author]; Sanders, Jon G. [Author]; McDonald, Daniel [Author]; Amir, Amnon [Author]; Ladau, Joshua [Author]; Locey, Kenneth J. [Author]; Prill, Robert J. [Author]; Tripathi, Anupriya [Author]; Gibbons, Sean M. [Author]; Ackermann, Gail [Author]; Navas-Molina, Jose A. [Author]; Janssen, Stefan [Author]; Kopylova, Evguenia [Author]; Vázquez-Baeza, Yoshiki [Author]; González, Antonio [Author]; Morton, James T. [Author]; Mirarab, Siavash [Author]; Zech Xu, Zhenjiang [Author]; Jiang, Lingjing [Author]; Haroon, Mohamed F. [Author]; Kanbar, Jad [Author]; Zhu, Qiyun [Author]; Jin Song, Se [Author]; Kosciolek, Tomasz [Author]; [...]

    A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity

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    Nature Research, 2017-11-23