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Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, [2016]
Roth, Tim Otto
Roth, Tim Otto
Ladleif, Christiane
Schauerte, Thomas
Baden, Sebastian
[Writer of added text]Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche,
Kehrer Verlag
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Hamburg: Warner Home Video Germany, 2008
Published in:X-Edition
Burton, Tim
Broyles, William
Wahlberg, Mark
Roth, Tim
Bonham Carter, Helena
Duncan, Michael Clarke
Elfman, Danny
Rousselot, Philippe
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Leipzig: Weltkino Filmverleih GmbH, [2022]
Nyman, Michael
Greenaway, Peter
[Film director];
Greenaway, Peter
Mirren, Helen
Gambon, Michael
Roth, Tim
Vierny, Sacha
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[USA]: Universal Studios, [2022]
Franco, Michel
[Film director];
Franco, Michel
Roth, Tim
Gainsbourg, Charlotte
Larios, Iazua
Goodman, Henry
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München: Universum-Film, 2014
Jarecki, Nicholas
Gere, Richard
Sarandon, Susan
Roth, Tim
Marling, Brit
Martinez, Cliff
Le Saux, Yorick
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München: Universum Film, 2012
[S.l.]: Green Room Films [u.a., Orig.-Prod.], 2012
Coppola, Francis Ford
Roth, Tim
Lara, Alexandra Maria
Ganz, Bruno
Malaimare, Mihai
Golijov, Osvaldo
Eliade, Mircea