Communal Buffalo Hunting among the Plains Indians. Eleanor Verbicky-Todd. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 24. Alberta Culture Historical Resources Division, Edmonton, 1984. xi + 262 pp., tables, figures, biblio. Free upon request (paper). -
Contributions to Plains Prehistory. David Burley, editor. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 26. Alberta Culture Historical Resources Division, Edmonton, 1985. iv + 284 pp. Free upon request (paper). -
Alberta Plains Prehistory: A Review. J. Roderick Vickers. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 27. Alberta Culture Historical Resources Division, Edmonton, 1986. xii + 139 pp., tables, figures, references cited. Free upon request (paper). -
Dog Days in Southern Alberta. Jack Brink. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 28. Alberta Culture Historical Resources Division, Edmonton, 1986. vii + 71 pp., figures, references cited. Free upon request (paper)