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Genova: Dynamic, c 2001
Published in:Festival della Valle d'Itria Martina Franca
Rojas, Itziar de
Moreno-Grau, Sonia
Tesi, Niccolo
Grenier-Boley, Benjamin
Andrade, Victor
Kerkmeijer-Jansen, Iris E.
Pedersen, Nancy L.
Stringa, Najada
Zettergren, Anna
Hernández, Isabel
Montrreal, Laura
Antúnez, Carmen
Antonell, Anna
Tankard, Rick M.
Bis, Joshua C.
Sims, Rebecca
Bellenguez, Céline
Quintela, Inés
González-Perez, Antonio
Calero, Miguel
Franco-Macías, Emilio
Macías, Juan
Blesa, Rafael
Cervera-Carles, Laura
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OpenEdition, 2015
Published in:
Alter, 9 (2015) 3, Seite 257-261
Mullins, Niamh
Kang, JooEun
Su, Mei-Hsin
Bryant, Richard
Treutlein, Jens
Dietl, Lydie
Schwarze, Cornelia E.
Dahmen, Norbert
Schott, Björn H.
Nöthen, Markus M.
Ripke, Stephan
Mobascher, Arian
Rujescu, Dan
Lieb, Klaus
Budde, Monika
Roepke, Stefan
Schmahl, Christian
Bohus, Martin
Rietschel, Marcella
Crivelli, Silvia
Dennis, Michelle F.
Harvey, Phillip D.
Carter, Bruce W.
Huffman, Jennifer E.
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University of Waterloo, 2020
Published in:
The Journal of Community Informatics, 16 (2020), Seite 3-25
Abbott, Benjamin P.
Abbott, Rich
Abbott, Thomas D.
Acernese, Fausto
Ackley, Kendall
Adams, Carl
Adams, Thomas
Addesso, Paolo
Adhikari, Rana X.
Adya, Vaishali B.
Affeldt, Christoph
Afrough, Mohammad
Agarwal, Bhanu
Agathos, Michalis
Agatsuma, Kazuhiro
Aggarwal, Nancy
Aguiar, Odylio D.
Aiello, Lorenzo
Ain, Anirban
Allen, Bruce
Allen, Gabrielle
Allocca, Annalisa
Altin, Paul A.
Amato, Alex