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New York: Abrams, [1978]
Published in:Modern artists
Wyeth, Andrew
Junker, Patricia A.
Lewis, Audrey
Adams, Henry
[Writer of supplementary textual content];
Baumgartner, Karen
[Writer of supplementary textual content];
Crosman, Christopher B.
[Writer of supplementary textual content]Brandywine River Museum of Art,
Brandywine River Museum of Art,
Seattle Art Museum,
Seattle Art Museum
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Seattle, Wash.: Seattle Art Museum, [2017]
New Haven and London: Yale University Press, [2017]
New Haven; London: Yale University Press, [2017]
Geertman, Stan
Allan, Andrew
Pettit, Christopher
Stillwell, John
International Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference 15. 2017 Adelaide,
Springer International Publishing
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München: Concorde Home Entertainment GmbH, [2009]
Published in:Classic selection
Kibbler, Christopher C.
Barton, Richard
Gow, Neil A. R.
Howell, Susan E.
MacCallum, Donna M.
Manuel, Rohini J.
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Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2018
Published in:Oxford textbooks in infectious disease and microbiology
Pickett, Philip
Kwella, Patrizia
Bott, Catherine
Robson, Christopher
King, Andrew
Ainsley, John Mark
George, Michael
New London Consort
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Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
Published in:Oxford handbooks
Monteverdi, Claudio
Bott, Catherine
Bonner, Tessa
Robson, Christopher
King, Andrew
Ainsley, John Mark
George, Michael
Grant, Simon
Pickett, Philip
[Performer]New London Consort