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[S.l.]: SSRN, [2015]
Beard, John S
Blair, W. Frank
Goodall, David W
Goodall, David W
Low, Bobbl S
MacMahon, JamesA
Main, A. R
Sarmiento, Guillermo
Solbrig, Otto T
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Austin: University of Texas Press, [2021]
Macdonald, Alastair
MacPherson, Jim
Adams, David
Beard, Ellen L.
Brunton, Deborah
Cormack, Wade
Crawford, Barbara
Dodgshon, Robert A.
Harper, Marjory
Hunter, James
Johnston, Jim A.
Kirby, Keith
MacKinnon, Iain
MacPherson, D. A. J.
Neville, Cynthia J.
Thomas, Ben
Whyte, Ian
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Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, [2022]
Published in:Northern Scotland Books ; NSB
Ackerman, Alan
Albright, Daniel
Alexander, Elizabeth
Amfreville, Marc
Aparicio, Frances R
Arac, Jonathan
Armstrong, Nancy
Beard, William
Bernstein, Richard J
Blaise, Clark
Blight, David
Boyden, Michael
Bradley, Adam
Bradley, David
Bramen, Carrie Tirado
Brooks, Daphne A
Brooks, Lisa
Brophy, Alfred L
Buell, Lawrence
Bui, Thi Phuong-Lan
Burt, Stephen
Bynum, Sarah Shun-Lien
Cagidemetrio, Alide
Cantwell, Robert