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  1. Jäschke, Thomas [Author]; Albrecht, Urs-Vito [Author]; Aschhoff, Mathias [Author]; Beer, Thorben [Author]; Czech, Sascha [Author]; Domnik, Jan [Author]; Große, Sandra [Author] ; Jäschke, Thomas [Editor] MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsges. mbH & Co. KG

    Datenschutz und Informationssicherheit im Gesundheitswesen : Grundlagen, Konzepte, Umsetzung - [2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage]

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    Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, [2018]

  2. Meyerbeer, Giacomo [Author]; Scribe, Eugène [Author] ; McCarthy, John [Performer]; Lewis, Henry [Performer]; Horne, Marilyn [Performer]; McCracken, James [Performer]; Scotto, Renata [Performer]; Bastin, Jules [Performer]; Hines, Jerome [Performer]; Dupouy, Jean [Performer]; DuPlessis, Christian [Performer] Ambrosian Opera Chorus, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

    Le prophète (3 Compact-Discs in Box in Kassette)

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    [S.l.]: CBS Records, [1988]

    Published in: CBS Records masterworks

  3. Meyerbeer, Giacomo [Author] ; Scribe, Eugène [Other]; Lewis, Henry [Performer]; Midgley, Vernon [Performer]; Taylor, Neilson [Performer]; Ogston, Bruce [Performer]; Broome, Oliver [Performer]; Noble, John [Performer]; Clark, Patricia [Performer]; Minty, Shirley [Performer]; Fyson, Leslie [Performer]; Webb, Nicholas [Performer]; Bastin, Jules [Performer]; Richardson, Mark [Performer]; McCracken, James [Performer]; Dupouy, Jean [Performer]; DuPlessis, Christian [Performer]; Hines, Jerome [Performer]; Scotto, Renata [Performer]; Horne, Marilyn [Performer]; Treleaven, John [Performer] Ambrosian Opera Chorus, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

    Le prophète : opéra en cinq actes (4 Schallpl. in Kassette)

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    [S.l.]: CBS, P1977

    Published in: CBS masterworks

  4. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix [Author] ; Herreweghe, Philippe [Performer]; Piau, Sandrine [Performer]; Collot, Delphine [Performer] Chapelle Royale Paris Choeur, Orchestre des Champs-Elysées, Collegium Vocale Gent

    Ein Sommernachtstraum : ouvertüre op.21 für Orchester = A midsummer night's dream = Songe d'une nuit d'été (1 CD)

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    Arles: Harmonia Mundi, P 1994

    Published in: France Telecom Fondation

  5. Krengel-Horney, Sandra [Author]; Lilienthal, Holger [Author]; Beer, Holger [Author]

    Agrarrelevante Extremwetterlagen und Risikomanagement = Agricultural relevant extreme weather events and risk management

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    Published in: Journal für Kulturpflanzen ; 69(2017), 2, Seite 73-75

  6. Schimmelpfennig, Sonja [Author]; Heidecke, Claudia [Author]; Beer, Holger [Author]; Bittner, Florian [Author]; Klages, Susanne [Author]; Krengel, Sandra [Author]; Lange, Stefan [Author]

    Klimaanpassung in Land- und Forstwirtschaft : Ergebnisse eines Workshops der Ressortforschungsinstitute FLI, JKI und Thünen-Institut

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    Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Januar 2018

    Published in: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut: Thünen working paper ; 86

  7. Schimmelpfennig, Sonja [Author]; Heidecke, Claudia [Author]; Beer, Holger [Author]; Bittner, Florian [Author]; Klages, Susanne [Author]; Krengel, Sandra [Author]; Lange, Stefan [Author]

    Klimaanpassung in Land- und Forstwirtschaft: Ergebnisse eines Workshops der Ressortforschungsinstitute FLI, JKI und Thünen-Institut

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    Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 2018

  8. Rühle, Jessica [Author]; Ginzel, Marco [Author]; Dietz-Ziegler, Stefanie [Author]; Schwarz, Julian [Author]; Lajqi, Trim [Author]; Beer-Hammer, Sandra [Author]; Poets, Christian F. [Author]; Gille, Christian [Author]; Köstlin-Gille, Natascha [Author]

    Depletion of Ly6G-expressing neutrophilic cells leads to altered peripheral T-cell homeostasis and thymic development in neonatal mice

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    24 April 2023

    Published in: International journal of molecular sciences ; 24(2023), 9 vom: Apr., Artikel-ID 7763, Seite 1-13

  9. Globig, Anja [Author]; Baumer, Anette [Author]; Revilla-Fernández, Sandra [Author]; Beer, Martin [Author]; Wodak, Eveline [Author]; Fink, Maria [Author]; Greber, Norbert [Author]; Harder, Timm C. [Author]; Matthes, Doris [Author]; Fiedler, Wolfgang [Author]

    Ducks as sentinels for avian influenza in wild birds

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    Konstanz: KOPS Universität Konstanz, 2009

  10. Beer, Lloyd de [Contributor]; Borchert, Till-Holger [Contributor]; Gertsman, Elina [Contributor]; Gertsman, Elina [Editor]; Hindman, Sandra [Contributor]; Jugie, Sophie [Contributor]; Krause, Stefan [Contributor]; La Rocca, Donald J. [Contributor]; Lutz, Gerhard [Contributor]; Mann, C. Griffith [Contributor]; Morrison, Elizabeth [Contributor]; Vassilaki, Maria [Contributor]; Wieck, Roger S. [Contributor]; Williamson, Paul [Contributor]

    Collectors, Commissioners, Curators : Studies in Medieval Art for Stephen N. Fliegel

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    Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2023

    Published in: Early Drama, Art, and Music

  11. Kukuk, Laura [Author]; Dingley, Andrew J. [Author]; Pfeffer, Klaus [Author]; Beer-Hammer, Sandra [Author]; Willbold, Dieter [Author]; Koenig, Bernd W. [Author]; Granzin, Joachim [Author]; Nagel-Steger, Luitgard [Author]; Thiagarajan-Rosenkranz, Pallavi [Author]; Ciupka, Daniel [Author]; Hänel, Karen [Author]; Batra-Safferling, Renu [Author]; Pacheco, Victor [Author]; Stoldt, Matthias [Author]

    Structure of the SLy1 SAM homodimer reveals a new interface for SAM domain self-association

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    Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2019

    Published in: Scientific reports 9(1), 54 (2019). doi:10.1038/s41598-018-37185-3

  12. Bender, Saskia [Editor]; Flügel-Martinsen, Oliver [Editor]; Vogt, Michaela [Editor]; Abendroth, Anja [Contributor]; Bedorf, Thomas [Contributor]; Beer, Carola de [Contributor]; Boger, Mai-Anh [Contributor]; Böhm-Kasper, Oliver [Contributor]; Demmer, Christine [Contributor]; Dizinger, Vanessa [Contributor]; Fast, Natalia [Contributor]; Gausling, Pia [Contributor]; Gerlach, Kerstin [Contributor]; Grüter, Sandra [Contributor]; Hielscher-Fastabend, Martina [Contributor]; Hoon, Christina [Contributor]; Jacobsen, Marc [Contributor]; Kastrup, Valerie [Contributor]; Kollhoff, Sebastian [Contributor]; Lütje-Klose, Birgit [Contributor]; Neuhaus, Till [Contributor]; Peters, Manoel [Contributor]; Stieber, Grischa [Contributor]; Straßheim, Holger [Contributor]; [...]

    Verdeckungen : interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf gesellschaftliche Ein- und Ausschlüsse

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    Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press, 2023

    Published in: BiUP General

  13. Anderson, David G. [Contributor]; Anderson, Ian [Contributor]; Axelsson, Per [Contributor]; Axelsson, Per [Editor]; Beer, Jane [Contributor]; Evans, Joanne [Contributor]; Evjen, Bjørg [Contributor]; Hacker, J. David [Contributor]; Haines, Michael R. [Contributor]; Hamilton, Michelle A. [Contributor]; Hansen, Lars Ivar [Contributor]; Inwood, Kris [Contributor]; Jåstad, Hilde L. [Contributor]; Kukutai, Tahu [Contributor]; MacInnes, John [Contributor]; McCalman, Janet [Contributor]; McCarthy, Gavan [Contributor]; Pettersen, Torunn [Contributor]; Plakans, Andrejs [Contributor]; Saether, Steinar A. [Contributor]; Sköld, Peter [Contributor]; Sköld, Peter [Editor]; Smith, Len [Contributor]; Smith, Sandra [Contributor]; [...]

    Indigenous Peoples and Demography : The Complex Relation between Identity and Statistics

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    New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, [2011]