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Bremen: Univ., 1978
Bremen: Univ., 1978
Stuttgart: Teubner, 1995
Stuttgart: Teubner, 1989
Stuttgart: Teubner, 1989
Stuttgart: Teubner, 1987
Oberwolfach: Math. Forschungsinst., 1979 ; Online-Ausg., Oberwolfach: Math. Forschungsinst., 2009
Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 2014
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1976
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1976
American Mathematical Society (AMS), 1974
JSTOR, 1974
American Mathematical Society, 1974
Informa UK Limited, 1975
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1971
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1971
Elsevier BV, 1986
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1983
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1983
Informa UK Limited, 1984