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  1. Calvo López-Guerrero, Gabriel [Other]; Tzschaschel, Sabine [Other]

    Erzgebirge - [1. Aufl.]

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    Augsburg: Weltbild-Verl., 1998

    Published in: Ausflugsparadies Deutschland

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  2. Calvo López-Guerrero, Gabriel [Author]; Tzschaschel, Sabine [Author] ; Babin, Julia [Other]

    Thüringen : Erfurt, Gotha, Weimar, Jena ; Schlösser und Burgen, Wanderungen, Museen, Bergwerke und Höhlen, Hotels, Restaurants ; die Top Tipps führen Sie zu den Highlights ; [plus praktische Maxi-Faltkarte für unterwegs!] - [Neu bearb. Aufl.]

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    München: Travel-House-Media, 2015

    Published in: ADAC Reiseführer plus

  3. Calvo López-Guerrero, Gabriel [Author]; Tzschaschel, Sabine [Author]

    Leipzig - [Neu bearb. Aufl.]



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    München: ADAC-Verl., 2006

    Published in: ADAC-Reiseführer

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  4. Rooij, Jens van [Author]; Calvo López-Guerrero, Gabriel [Author]; Tzschaschel, Sabine [Author]

    Leipzig - [1. Auflage]

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    München: Gräfe und Unzer Verlag GmbH, 2018

    Published in: ADAC Reiseführer

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  5. Ceccato, Adrian; Pérez-Arnal, Raquel; Motos, Anna; Barbé, Ferran; Torres, Antoni; Saera, María Bodi; Rodríguez, Alejandro; Trefler, Sandra; Mañez, Rafael; Gumucio, Victor Daniel; de Castro, Felipe Rodríguez; Solé-Violan, Jordi; Aznar, María Mora; García, Ruth Noemí Jorge; Riera, Jordi; Torres, Mateu; Ferrer, Ricard; Martinez, María; Alegre, Cynthia; Contreras, Sofía; Trujillano, Javier; Vallverdú, Montse; León, Miguel; Badía, Mariona; [...]

    One-year mortality after ICU admission due to COVID-19 infection

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: Intensive Care Medicine, 48 (2022) 3, Seite 366-368

  6. Monedero, Pablo; Gea, Alfredo; Castro, Pedro; Candela‑Toha, Angel M.; Hernandez‑Sanz, Maria L.; Arruti, Egoitz; Villar, Jesus; Ferrando, Carlos; Monedero, Pablo; Gea, Alfredo; Castro, Pedro; Candela-Toha, Angel M.; Vendrell, Marina; Sánchez-Etayo, Gerard; Alcón, Amalia; Belda, Isabel; Agustí, Mercé; Carramiñana, Albert; Gracia, Isabel; Panzeri, Miriam; León, Irene; Balust, Jaume; Navarro, Ricard; Arguís, María José; [...]

    Publisher Correction: Early corticosteroids are associated with lower mortality in critically ill patients with COVID‑19: a cohort study

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023

    Published in: Critical Care, 27 (2023) 1

  7. Monedero, Pablo; Gea, Alfredo; Castro, Pedro; Candela-Toha, Angel M.; Hernández-Sanz, María L.; Arruti, Egoitz; Villar, Jesús; Ferrando, Carlos; Monedero, Pablo; Gea, Alfredo; Castro, Pedro; Candela-Toha, Angel M.; Vendrell, Marina; Sánchez-Etayo, Gerard; Alcón, Amalia; Belda, Isabel; Agustí, Mercé; Carramiñana, Albert; Gracia, Isabel; Panzeri, Miriam; León, Irene; Balust, Jaume; Navarro, Ricard; Arguís, María José; [...]

    Early corticosteroids are associated with lower mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a cohort study

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: Critical Care, 25 (2021) 1

  8. Ortiz, Alberto; Roger, Marta; Jiménez, Víctor Martínez; Perez, José Carlos Rodríguez; Furlano, Mónica; Atxer, Laia Sans; Zurro, Daniel Gallego; Casabona, Carlos María Romeo; Zurro, Daniel Gallego; Gómez, Clemente Gómez; Bermúdez, Pilar Pérez; Armisen, Manuel Arellano; López, Santiago Albaladejo; Porras, Inmaculada Gutiérrez; Ruiz, Josefa Gómez; Orgaz, José Manuel Martin; Barón, Marta Moreno; Ortiz, Patricia de Sequera; Fuente, Gabriel de Arriba de la; Gili, Borja Quiroga; Fresnedo, Gema Fernández; Cabrera, Sagrario Soriano; Contreras, Javier Pérez; Pelicano, Miquel Blasco; [...]

    RICORS2040: the need for collaborative research in chronic kidney disease

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2022

    Published in: Clinical Kidney Journal, 15 (2022) 3, Seite 372-387

  9. Torres, Antoni; Motos, Anna; Riera, Jordi; Fernández-Barat, Laia; Ceccato, Adrián; Pérez-Arnal, Raquel; García-Gasulla, Dario; Peñuelas, Oscar; Lorente, José Angel; Rodriguez, Alejandro; de Gonzalo-Calvo, David; Almansa, Raquel; Gabarrús, Albert; Menéndez, Rosario; Bermejo-Martin, Jesús F.; Ferrer, Ricard; Amaya Villar, Rosario; Añón, José M.; Barberà, Carme; Barberán, José; Blandino Ortiz, Aaron; Bustamante-Munguira, Elena; Caballero, Jesús; Carbajales, Cristina; [...]

    Correction to: The evolution of the ventilatory ratio is a prognostic factor in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 ARDS patients

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: Critical Care, 25 (2021) 1

  10. Torres, Antoni; Motos, Anna; Riera, Jordi; Fernández-Barat, Laia; Ceccato, Adrián; Pérez-Arnal, Raquel; García-Gasulla, Dario; Peñuelas, Oscar; Lorente, José Angel; Rodriguez, Alejandro; de Gonzalo-Calvo, David; Almansa, Raquel; Gabarrús, Albert; Menéndez, Rosario; Bermejo-Martin, Jesús F.; Ferrer, Ricard; Amaya Villar, Rosario; Añón, José M.; Barberà, Carme; Barberán, José; Blandino Ortiz, Aaron; Bustamante-Munguira, Elena; Caballero, Jesús; Carbajales, Cristina; [...]

    The evolution of the ventilatory ratio is a prognostic factor in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 ARDS patients

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: Critical Care, 25 (2021) 1

  11. Ferrando, Carlos; Mellado-Artigas, Ricard; Gea, Alfredo; Arruti, Egoitz; Aldecoa, César; Adalia, Ramón; Ramasco, Fernando; Monedero, Pablo; Maseda, Emilio; Tamayo, Gonzalo; Hernández-Sanz, María L.; Mercadal, Jordi; Martín-Grande, Ascensión; Kacmarek, Robert M.; Villar, Jesús; Suárez-Sipmann, Fernando; Vendrell, Marina; Sánchez-Etayo, Gerard; Alcón, Amalia; Belda, Isabel; Agustí, Mercé; Carramiñana, Albert; Gracia, Isabel; Panzeri, Miriam; [...]

    Awake prone positioning does not reduce the risk of intubation in COVID-19 treated with high-flow nasal oxygen therapy: a multicenter, adjusted cohort study

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020

    Published in: Critical Care, 24 (2020) 1

  12. García-Tornel, Álvaro; Flores, Alan; Terceño, Mikel; Cardona, Pedro; Amaro, Sergi; Gomis, Meritxell; Zaragoza, Josep; Krupinski, Jerzy; Gómez-Choco, Manuel; Mas, Natalia; Cocho, Dolores; Catena, Esther; Purroy, Francesc; Deck, Matias; Rubiera, Marta; Pagola, Jorge; Rodriguez-Luna, David; Juega, Jesús; Rodríguez-Villatoro, Noelia; Molina, Carlos A.; Soro, Cristina; Jimenez, Xavier; Salvat-Plana, Mercè; Dávalos, Antoni; [...]

    Association of Time of Day With Outcomes Among Patients Triaged for a Suspected Severe Stroke in Nonurban Catalonia

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    Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2023

    Published in: Stroke, 54 (2023) 3, Seite 770-780

  13. Garcia-Tornel, Alvaro; Millan, Monica; Rubiera, Marta; Bustamante, Alejandro; Requena, Manuel; Dorado, Laura; Olivé-Gadea, Marta; Jiménez, Xavier; Soto, Angels; Querol, Marisol; Hernández-Pérez, Maria; Gomis, Meritxell; Cardona, Pere; Urra, Xabier; Purroy, Francesc; Silva, Yolanda; Ustrell, Xavier; Esteve, Patricia; Salvat-Plana, Mercè; Gallofré, Miquel; Molina, Carlos; Dávalos, Antoni; Jovin, Tudor; Abilleira, Sonia; [...]

    Workflows and Outcomes in Patients With Suspected Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke Triaged in Urban and Nonurban Areas

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    Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2022

    Published in: Stroke, 53 (2022) 12, Seite 3728-3740