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  1. Euclides [Author] ; Candale, François de Foix de [Editor]

    Elementa libris 15 restituta



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    Lutetia, 1578

  2. Euclides [Author]; Candale, François de Foix de [Author] ; Clavius, Christoph [Editor]

    Evclidis Elementorvm Libri XV



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    Coloniae: expensis Ioh. Baptistae Ciotti, 15XX-

  3. Euclides [Author] ; Candale, François de Foix de [Editor]; Tournes, Jean de [Printer]

    Euclidis Megarensis mathematici clarissimi Elementa, libris XV ad germanam geometriæ intelligentiam è diversis lapsibus temporis injuria contractis restituta, adimpletis præter majorum spem, quæ hactenus deerant, solidorum regularium conferentiis ac inscriptionibus. Acceßit decimus sextus liber, de solidorum regularium sibi invicem inscriptorum collationibus. Novißimè collati sunt decimus septimus & decimus octavus, priori editione quodammodo polliciti, de componendorum inscribendorum, & conferendorum compositorum solidorum inventis, ordine & numero absoluti. Authore D. Francisco Flussate Candalla. Ad Carolum IX. christianissimum Galliarum regem



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    Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1602

  4. Rosselli, Annibale [Author]; Hermes Trismegistus [Author]; Candale, François de Foix de [Author]

    Divinus Pymander Hermetis Mercurii Trismegisti cum commentariis Hannibalis Rosseli Calabri / 5, Tomvs qvintvs, in quo agitur de Elementis, & descriptione totius orbis



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    Coloniae Agrippinae: Cholinus, 1630

    Published in: Divinus Pymander Hermetis Mercurii Trismegisti cum commentariis Hannibalis Rosseli Calabri ; 5

  5. Rosselli, Annibale [Author]; Hermes Trismegistus [Author]; Candale, François de Foix de [Author]

    Divinus Pymander Hermetis Mercurii Trismegisti cum commentariis Hannibalis Rosseli Calabri / 6, Tomvs sextvs, in quo agitur de immortalitate Animae



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    Coloniae Agrippinae: Cholinus, 1630

    Published in: Divinus Pymander Hermetis Mercurii Trismegisti cum commentariis Hannibalis Rosseli Calabri ; 6

  6. Rosselli, Annibale [Author]; Hermes Trismegistus [Author]; Candale, François de Foix de [Author]

    Divinus Pymander Hermetis Mercurii Trismegisti cum commentariis Hannibalis Rosseli Calabri / 3, Tomvs tertivs, ... in quo agitur de ente, materia, forma, & rebus metaphysicis



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    Coloniae Agrippinae: ex Officina Choliniana, sumptibus Petri Cholini, 1630

    Published in: Divinus Pymander Hermetis Mercurii Trismegisti cum commentariis Hannibalis Rosseli Calabri ; 3

  7. Euclid [Author] ; Dee, John [Other]; Candale, François de Foix comte de [Other]; Billingsley, Henry Sir [Other]

    The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Euclide of Megara. Faithfully (now first) translated into the Englishe toung, by H. Billingsley, citizen of London. Whereunto are annexed certaine scholies, annotations, and inuentions, of the best mathematiciens, both of time past, and in this our age. With a very fruitfull præface made by M. I. Dee, specifying the chiefe mathematicall scie[n]ces, what they are, and wherunto commodious: where, also, are disclosed certaine new secrets mathematicall and mechanicall, vntill these our daies, greatly missed

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    Imprinted at London: By Iohn Daye, [1570 (3 Feb.]] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  8. Euclid [Author] ; Dee, John [Other]; Leeke, John [Other]; Serle, George [Other]; al-Bagdadi, Muhammad [Other]; Campane [Other]; Candale, François de Foix comte de [Other]; Marinus [Other]

    Euclid's elements of geometry : In xv. books: with a supplement of divers propositions and corollaries. To which is added, a treatise of regular solids, by Campane and Flussas. Likewise Euclid's data: and Marinus his preface thereunto annexed. Also a treatise of the divisions of superficies, ascribed to Machomet Bagdedine, but published by Commandine, at the request of John Dee of London; whose preface to the said treatise declares it to be the worke of Euclide, the author of these elements. Published by the care and industry of John Leeke and George Serle, students in the mathematicks

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    London: printed, by R. & W. Leybourn,for Richard Tomlins at the Sun and Bible in Pie-corner, M DC LXI. [1661] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO