Brand, Neil
Margaritis, Gilles
Lortac, Robert
Porter, Edwin S.
Marble, Scott
Smith, Blair
Anderson, Gilbert M.
Cameron, Walter
Hanaway, Frank
Avery, Tex
Millar, Melvin
Chase, Charlie
Newmeyer, Fred
Taylor, Sam
Lloyd, Harold
Davis, Mildred Hillary
Brooks, Roy
Reinhardt, Django
Grappelli, Stéphane
Wolff, Willi
Liebmann, Robert
Richter, Ellen
Roach, Hal
Pointner, Anton
Hot Club de France
Le Guen, Eric
Lehrman, Henry
Chaplin, Charlie
Williams, Frank D.
Pudovkin, Vsevolod Illarionovič
Spikovskij, Nikolaj Grigorʹevič
Golovnja, Anatolij
Fogel, Vladimir Petrovič
Capablanca, José Raúl
Zemcova, Anna
Baker, Josephine
Sadoul, Georges
Dulac, Germaine
Constantini, Lilian
Vallée, Georges
Pal, George
McCarey, Leo
Chase, Charlie
Oakland, Vivien
Deslaw, Eugène
Wolff, Willi
Liebmann, Robert
Lumière, Louis
Richter, Ellen
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[S.l.]: SSRN, [2017]
Published in:World Bank Policy Research Working Paper ; No. 7362
Anderson, George W.
Brantly, William Theophilus
Hayden, Lucian
Middleditch, Robert T.
Chase, Irah
Samson, G. W.
Remington, S.
[Contributor]Princeton Theological Seminary
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Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, [1851?]
Published in:Baptist pamphlets
Baptism controversy collection
Andrews, Anthony P
Ball, Joseph W
Barrera Rubio, Alfredo
Brown, Kenneth L
Chase, Arlen F
Chase, Arlen F
Chase, Diane Z
Freidel, David A
Fry, Robert E
Graham, Elizabeth A
Johnson, Jay K
Jones, Grant D
Kautz, Robert R
Loten, H. Stanley
Miller, Arthur G
Pendergast, David M
Rice, Don S
Rice, Prudence M
Rice, Prudence M
Robles C., Fernando
Sharer, Robert J
Wonderley, Anthony W
Arnove, Robert F.
Bost, David H.
Chase, Jacquelyn
DAgostino, Thomas J.
D’Agostino, Thomas J.
Franz, Stephen
Fraser, Cleveland
Hillman, Richard S.
Hillman, Richard S.
Lozano-Alonso, Angélica
McKinney, Scott G.
Pedraja, René de la
Place, Susan E.
Price, Marie
Stewart-Gambino, Hannah
Tiano, Susan
Yelvington, Kevin A.
Zagorski, Paul W.
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Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, [2011]
Published in:Understanding: Introductions to the States and Regions of the Contemporary World
Anderson, Tom
Birman, Ken
Broberg, Robert
Caesar, Matthew
Comer, Douglas
Cotton, Chase
Freedman, Michael J.
Haeberlen, Andreas
Ives, Zachary
Krishnamurthy, Arvind
Lehr, William
Loo, Boon Thau
Mazieres, David
Nicolosi, Antonio R.
Smith, Jonathan
Stoica, Ion
van Renesse, Robbert
Walfish, Michael
Weatherspoon, Hakim
Yoo, Christopher S.