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  1. Christopher Lund [Photographer]

    Iceland - contrasts in nature



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    Reykjavik: Forlagiþ, 2019

  2. Lund, Christian Nyvang [Author] ; Thorn, Karsten [Degree supervisor]; Bisping, Christopher [Degree supervisor] Bucerius Law School

    Examining the Implications of 'Manufacturer's Control' in the Proposal for a New Product Liability Directive : A Study on Liability Determination and its Impacts on Insurance Costs in Contrast to the Current Product Liability Directive

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    Hamburg: uvp, 19.07.2023

  3. Lund, Georg [Author] ; Vogel, Christoph [Printer]

    Oratio Auguralis, De Molestiis Scholæ, Et Causis Præceptorum, Qvod Obtemperent : Apud Amplissimum Patronorum Consessum, Idib. Aug. Anno MDCCV. Publice Habita, Flensburgi, In Auditorio Majori

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    Flensburgi: Typis Christoph. Vogelii, [1705] ; Online-Ausgabe, München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2010

  4. Lund, Georg [Author] ; Vogel, Christoph [Printer]

    Oratio De Eo, Quod In Pios Gratosque Merito Conferantur Beneficia : Cum Adjectis Versiculis, Amplissimo Patronorum Scholæ Flensburgensis Collegio Idib. Aug. Anni M.DCC.V. Speciminis Loco Exhibita A M. Georgio Lundio, S. P. C.

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    Flensburgi: Vogelius, 1705 ; Online-Ausg., Göttingen: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, 2011

  5. Lund, Karen [Author]; Aleinikoff, John N. [Author]; Holm-Denoma, Christopher [Author]

    Roles of regional structures and country-rock facies in defining mineral belts in central Idaho mineral province with detail for Yellow Pine and Thunder Mountain mining districts : Mineral Resources Program

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    Reston, Virginia: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2023

    Published in: United States Geological Survey: Professional paper ; 1884

  6. Du Bray, Edward A. [Author]; Holm-Denoma, Christopher [Author]; Lund, Karen [Author]; Premo, Wayne [Author]

    Review of the geochemistry and metallogeny of approximately 1.4 Ga granitoid intrusions of the conterminous United States

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    Reston, Va: U.S. Geological Survey, 2017

    Published in: United States Geological Survey: Scientific investigations report ; 2017,5111

  7. Muḥammad [Author] ; Tegnér, Christophorus [Translator]; Tegnér, Christophorus [Other]; Nygren, Carolus S. [Translator]; Nygren, Carolus S. [Other] Berlingska Boktryckeriet Lund

    Sura Korani XLV : Arabice & Svethice quam Consentiente Amplissimo Philos. Ord. Lundensi publico examini deferunt Christophorus Tegnér Philos. Magister et Carolus S. Nygren Wermelandus. In Lyceo Carolino die XXI Junii MDCCCXXXI.

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    Londini Gothorum: Typis Berlingianis [Drucker], 1831 ; Online-Ausg., Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2010

  8. Gregor, Konstantin [Author]; Knoke, Thomas [Author]; Krause, Andreas [Author]; Reyer, Christopher P. O. [Author]; Lindeskog, Mats [Author]; Papastefanou, Phillip [Author]; Smith, Benjamin [Author]; Lansø, Anne‐Sofie [Author]; Rammig, Anja [Author]; 1 TUM School of Life Sciences Technical University of Munich Freising Germany [Author]; 2 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Member of the Leibniz Association Potsdam Germany [Author]; 3 Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science Lund University Lund Sweden [Author]; 5 Department of Environmental Science Aarhus University Aarhus Denmark [Author]

    Trade‐Offs for Climate‐Smart Forestry in Europe Under Uncertain Future Climate

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    GEO-LEOe-docs (FID GEO), 2022-09-09

  9. Aberg, Anna [Creator]; Abu Hamdan, Lawrence [Creator]; Adamson, Morgan [Creator]; Addison, Courtney [Creator]; Afrassiabi, Babak [Creator]; Agarwal, Ravi [Creator]; Agudelo Ganem, Maria Fernanda [Creator]; Ah-King, Malin [Creator]; Ahmed, Nabil [Creator]; Aidoo, Fallon Samuels [Creator]; Akerman, Kira [Creator]; Akten, Memo [Creator]; Allen, Irma [Creator]; Allen, Jamie [Creator]; Allen, Michael [Creator]; Almeida, Hugo Ricardo Noronha de [Creator]; Almeida, Hugo [Creator]; Andaur, Rodolfo [Creator]; Anderson, Kayla [Creator]; Anfinson, John [Creator]; Ansari, Alya [Creator]; Arends, Bergit [Creator]; Armiero, Marco [Creator]; Aronowsky, Leah [Creator]; [...] ; Ateliermob / Working with the 99%, localStyle, Louisiana Environmental Action Network (LEAN), Louisiana Landmarks Society, Louisiana Universities Resilient Architecture Collaborative, Pointe-Au-Chien Indian Tribe, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte

    Anthropocene Curriculum

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    Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, [2021]