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  1. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix [Author] ; Litton, Andrew [Performer]; Howarth, Judith [Performer]; Larmore, Jennifer [Performer]; Prégardien, Christoph [Performer] Bergen Filharmoniske Kor, Kor Vest Bergen, Danish National Vocal Ensemble, Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester

    Symphony no. 2 in B flat major, op. 52 : "Lobgesang" ("Hymn of praise"); eine Symphonie-Kantate nach den Worten der Heiligen Schrift (1 CD)

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    [S.l.]: BIS Records, c 2009

  2. Aagaard, Thorvald Komponist; Balslev, Harald Komponist; Hamburger, Povl Komponist; Harder, Egil Komponist; Holten, Bo Komponist; Jeppesen, Knud Komponist; Jersild, Jørgen Komponist; Larsen, Kurt Komponist; Laub, Thomas Komponist; Mortensen, Otto Komponist; Nielsen, Carl Komponist; Ring, Oluf Komponist; Rung, Henrik Komponist; Schierbeck, Poul Komponist; Schultz, Svend S. Komponist; Vejslev, Tony Komponist ; Danish National Vocal Ensemble

    Choral Music (Danish) (Årstiderne: 28 Danske Sange) (Seasons: 28 Danish Songs) (Danish National Vocal Ensemble, Holten)

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    OUR Recordings, 180801

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  3. Aagaard, Thorvald Komponist; Andersen, Benny Komponist; Andersen, Fritz Komponist; Borg, Matti Komponist; Fabricius-Bjerre, Bent Komponist; Hamburger, Povl Komponist; Harder, Egil Komponist; Hjelmborg, Bjorn Komponist; Larsen, Kim Komponist; Laub, Thomas Komponist; Mortensen, Otto Komponist; Nielsen, Aage Komponist; Nielsen, Carl Komponist; Nissen, Morgens Jermiin Komponist; Ring, Oluf Komponist; Weyse, Christoph Ernst Friedrich Komponist ; Danish National Vocal Ensemble

    DROMTE MIG EN DROM - Danske Sange

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    OUR Recordings, 120101

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  4. Bruun, Peter Komponist; Börtz, Daniel Komponist; Praulins, Ugis Komponist; Rasmussen, Sunleif Komponist ; Danish National Vocal Ensemble

    PRAULINS, U.: Nightingale (The) / BORTZ, D.: Nemesis divina / RASMUSSEN, S.: I / BRUUN, P.: 2 Scenes with Skylar (Layton)

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    OUR Recordings, 110101

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  5. Bruun, Peter Komponist; Holmboe, Vagn Komponist; Holten, Bo Komponist; Jersild, Jørgen Komponist; Nørgård, Per Komponist; Ruders, Poul Komponist ; Danish National Vocal Ensemble

    Choral Concert: Danish National Vocal Ensemble - HOLMBOE, V. / BRUUN, P. / NORGARD, P. / KOPPEL, H. / JERSILD, J. / RUDERS, P. (Hymn to the Sun)

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    Dacapo CD, 100101

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  6. Beethoven, Ludwig van ; Beethoven, Ludwig van Komponist Danish National Choir, Danish National Vocal Ensemble, Swedish Chamber Orchestra

    BEETHOVEN, L. van: Orchestermusik Vol. 12 (Dausgaard) - Klavierkonzert Nr. 5 "Kaiserkonzert" / "Chorfantasie"

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    Simax Classics, 150101

    Published in: Simax Classics

  7. Gade, Niels Wilhelm ; Gade, Niels Wilhelm Komponist Concerto Copenhagen, Danish National Vocal Ensemble

    GADE, N.W.: Elverskud (Sung in German) / 5 Songs (Junker, Fuchs, Weisser, Danish National Vocal Ensemble, Concerto Copenhagen, Mortensen)

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    Dacapo CD, 190301

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  8. Nielsen, Carl ; Nielsen, Carl Komponist Danish National Children's Choir, Danish National Concert Choir, Danish National Girls Choir, Danish National Junior Choir, Danish National Vocal Ensemble

    NIELSEN, C.: Choral Music (Danish National Choirs, Schønwandt, P. Faber, S. Wendt)

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    Dacapo CD, 150101

    Published in: Dacapo CD