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  1. De Lorenzo, Leonardo [Author]

    Idillio : for flute and piano; op. 67 - Stimmen, Partitur

    Notated Music


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    New York [u.a.]: Peters, [ca. 2010]

    Published in: New compositions in the modern idiom; flute and piano and woodwind chamber music / Leonardo de Lorenzo

  2. Leonardo da Vinci [Author]; Alberti, Leon Battista [Author] ; Rejon de Silva, Diego Antonio [Editor]

    El tratado de la pintura



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    Madrid, 1784

  3. Procopius Caesariensis [Author] ; Rhenanus, Beatus [Author of introduction, etc.]; Persona, Christophorus [Translator]; Persona, Christophorus [Other]; Maffei, Raffaele [Translator]; Maffei, Raffaele [Other]; Agathias Scholasticus [Other]; Bruni, Leonardo [Other]; Iordanes Gotus [Other]; Peutinger, Konrad [Other]

    Procopii Caesariensis De rebvs Gothorvm, Persarvm ac Vandalorum libri VII : una cum alijs mediorum temporum historicis ...; his omnibus accessit rerum copiosissimus index



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    Basileae: ex officina Ioannis Hervagii, 1531