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  1. Gregory, Braden R.B [Author]; Kissinger, Jennifer A. [Author]; Clarkson, Chloe [Author]; Kimpe, Linda E. [Author]; Eickmeyer, David C. [Author]; Kurek, Josh [Author]; Smol, John P. [Author]; Blais, Jules [Author]

    Are Fur Farms a Source of Persistent Organic Pollutants or Mercury to Nearby Freshwater Ecosystems?

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2022]

  2. Salat, Alexandre P.J.; Williams, Kim L.; Chiu, Suzanne; Eickmeyer, David C.; Kimpe, Linda E.; Blais, Jules M.; Crump, Doug

    Extracts from Dated Lake Sediment Cores in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region Alter Ethoxyresorufin‐O‐deethylase Activity and Gene Expression in Avian Hepatocytes

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    Wiley, 2021

    Published in: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 40 (2021) 7, Seite 1881-1891

  3. Duda, Matthew P.; Glew, John R.; Michelutti, Neal; Robertson, Gregory J.; Montevecchi, William A.; Kissinger, Jennifer A.; Eickmeyer, David C.; Blais, Jules M.; Smol, John P.

    Long-Term Changes in Terrestrial Vegetation Linked to Shifts in a Colonial Seabird Population

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020

    Published in: Ecosystems, 23 (2020) 8, Seite 1643-1656

  4. Eickmeyer, David C.; Kimpe, Linda E.; Kokelj, Steve V.; Pisaric, Michael F. J.; Smol, John P.; Sanei, Hamed; Thienpont, Joshua R.; Blais, Jules M.

    Interactions of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides with sedimentary organic matter of retrogressive thaw slump‐affected lakes in the tundra uplands adjacent to the Mackenzie Delta, NT, Canada

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    American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2016

    Published in: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121 (2016) 2, Seite 411-421

  5. Thienpont, Joshua R.; Korosi, Jennifer B.; Hargan, Kathryn E.; Williams, Trisha; Eickmeyer, David C.; Kimpe, Linda E.; Palmer, Michael J.; Smol, John P.; Blais, Jules M.

    Multi-trophic level response to extreme metal contamination from gold mining in a subarctic lake

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    The Royal Society, 2016

    Published in: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283 (2016) 1836, Seite 20161125

  6. Thienpont, Joshua R.; Korosi, Jennifer B.; Hargan, Kathryn E.; Williams, Trisha; Eickmeyer, David C.; Kimpe, Linda E.; Palmer, Michael J.; Smol, John P.; Blais, Jules M.

    Multi-trophic level response to extreme metal contamination from gold mining in a subarctic lake

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    Published in: Proceedings: Biological Sciences, 283 (2016) 1836, Seite 1-9

  7. Duda, Matthew P.; Robertson, Gregory J.; Lim, Joeline E.; Kissinger, Jennifer A.; Eickmeyer, David C.; Grooms, Christopher; Kimpe, Linda E.; Montevecchi, William A.; Michelutti, Neal; Blais, Jules M.; Smol, John P.

    Striking centennial-scale changes in the population size of a threatened seabird

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    The Royal Society, 2020

    Published in: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287 (2020) 1919, Seite 20192234