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[S.l.]: SSRN, 2013
Mach, Katharine J.
Adger, William Neil
Buhaug, Halvard
Burke, Marshall
Fearon, JamesD.
Field, Christopher B.
Hendrix, Cullen S.
Kraan, Caroline M.
Maystadt, Jean-François
Uexkull, Nina von
You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this.
Konstanz: KOPS Universität Konstanz, 2020
Cameron, Colin
Davis, David R
Fearon, JamesD
Froats, Daniel T
Garb, Paula
Halperin, Sandra
Hill, Stuart
Jentleson, Bruce W
Kaplan, Cynthia S
Keller, Fdmond J
Krasner, Stephen D
Kuran, Timur
Lake, David A
Lake, David A
Moore, Will H
Rothchild, Donald
Rothchild, Donald
Saideman, Stephen M
Zartman, I. William