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Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, c1998
Chamberlin, Brewster
Feldman, Marcia
Abzug, Robert H.
Chamberlin, Brewster S.
United States Holocaust Memorial Council,
International Liberators Conference 1 1981 Washington, DC
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Washington, D.C.: United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 1987
Carter, Thomas
Leonard, Robert Sean
Bale, Christian
Whaley, Frank
Feldman, Jonathan Marc
Zielinski, Jerzy
Horner, James
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München [u.a.]: Disney Studios Home Entertainment, 2002
[S.l.]: Hollywood Pictures [Orig.-Prod.], 2002
Published in:Hollywood Pictures Home Entertainment
Carter, Thomas
Leonard, Robert Sean
Bale, Christian
Whaley, Frank
Feldman, Jonathan Marc
Zielinski, Jerzy
Horner, James