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München: Heyne, 2012
Published in:Heyne ; 52672
Goldsmith, Jerry
Ford, Harrison
Petersen, Wolfgang
[Film director];
Francis-Bruce, Richard
[Editor of moving image work];
Marlowe, Andrew W.
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London: Opera Rara, c 1996
Published in:Opera rara; 13
Pacini, Giovanni
Metastasio, Pietro
Parry, David
Ford, Bruce
Larmore, Jennifer
Claycomb, Laura
Robinson, Dean
Wilde, Mark
[Performer]Geoffrey Mitchell Choir London,
London Philharmonic Orchestra
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London: Opera Rara, c 2004
Mercadante, Saverio
Romani, Felice
Miricioiu, Nelly
Servile, Roberto
Ford, Bruce
Nocentini, Maria Costanza
Lee, Colin
Lipinski, Rebecca von
Parry, David
[Performer]Geoffrey Mitchell Choir London,
London Philharmonic Orchestra,
Peter Moores Foundation
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London: Opera Rara, c 2003
Published in:Peter Moores Foundation
Pacini, Giovanni
Rossi, Gaetano
Ford, Bruce
Futral, Elizabeth
Frontali, Roberto
Larmore, Jennifer
Williams, Helen
Natoli, Dominic
Magee, Garry
Parry, David
[Performer]Geoffrey Mitchell Choir London,
Academy of Saint Martin in the Fields
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[Oberding]: Arts Music, 1994
[S.l.]: Pilz UK, 1994
Donizetti, Gaetano
Merelli, Bartolomeo
Montague, Diana
Ford, Bruce
Cullagh, Majella
Kelly, Paul Austin
Hargreaves, Matthew
Pastorello, Cristina
Natoli, Dominic
Parry, David
[Performer]Geoffrey Mitchell Choir London,
Academy of Saint Martin in the Fields
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London: Opera Rara, c 2003
Published in:Peter Moores Foundation
Donizetti, Gaetano
Gilardoni, Domenico
Bayley, Clive
Ford, Bruce
Parry, David
Antoniozzi, Alfonso
Scano, Elisabetta
Cicogna, Adriana
Kelly, Paul Austin
Monti, Elena
Spagnoli, Pietro
Praticò, Bruno
[Performer]Academy of Saint Martin in the Fields