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  1. Hladík, Radim [Other]; Semelka, Lešek [Other]; Hála, Kamil [Other]; Hala, Vlastimil [Other]; Hála, Kamil [Performer] ; Československý Rozhlas Jazzový orchestr

    Nová syntéza = New synthesis (1 Schallpl)

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    [S.l.]: Panton, c 1971

  2. Hala, Vlastimil [Other]; Korbař, Leopold [Other]; Ducháč, Miloslav [Other]; Basie, Count [Other]; Durham, Eddy [Other]; Gross, Klaus [Performer] ; Orchestr Karla Vlacha

    Warsaw boogie (1 Schallpl)

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    [S.l.]: Supraphon, [ca. 1988]

  3. Ištvan, Miloslav [Author] ; Reiner, Karel [Other]; Tausinger, Jan [Other]; Rychlík, Jan [Other]; Vajnar, František [Performer]; Lejsek, Vlastimil [Performer]; Lejsková, Věra [Performer]; Krška, Bohumil [Performer]; Beneš, Vladislav [Performer]; Černý, Ladislav [Performer]; Munclinger, Milan [Performer]; Hála, Josef [Performer] Sonatori di Praga, Česká filharmonie, Musica Viva Pragensis

    Ritmi ed antiritmi : for two pianos and percussion (1 Schallpl)

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    Prague: Supraphon, P 1972

    Published in: Musica nova Bohemica

  4. Gott, Karel [Performer]; Zíma, Josef [Performer]; Hála, Karel [Performer]; Zagorová, Hana [Performer]; Vondráčková, Helena [Performer]; Neckář, Václav [Performer]; Pilarová, Eva [Performer]; Mayer, Jaromir [Performer]; Urbánková, Nad'a [Performer]; Novák, Pavel [Performer]; Matuška, Waldemar [Performer]; Štědry̌, Karel [Performer]

    Benefice (2 Schallpl)

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    [S.l.]: Supraphon, 1980

  5. Julina, Antonín [Other]; Jindra, Alfons [Other]; Velebny, Karel [Other]; Russell, George [Other]; Hala, Vlastimil [Other]; Hnilička, Jaromir [Other]; Bláha, Josef [Other]; Krautgartner, Karel [Performer]; Julina, Antonín [Performer]; Hollitzer, Artur [Performer]; Konopásek, Jan [Performer]; Żižka, Vladimír [Performer]; Ulrich, Milan [Performer]; Hnilička, Jaromir [Performer]; Velebny, Karel [Performer]; Navrátil, František [Performer] ; SHQ, Československý Rozhlas Jazzový orchestr, Metronom Musikgruppe, Orchestr Karla Vlacha, Gustav Brom Orchestra

    Czechoslovak jazz solists (1 Schallpl)

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    [S.l.]: Supraphon, c 1963

  6. Dannenberg, Joachim [Arranger]; Gollasch, Günter [Conductor]; Siebholz, Gerhard [Arranger]; Siebholz, Gerhard [Instrumentalist]; Kneifel, Gerhard [Arranger]; Kneifel, Gerhard [Conductor]; Bause, Arndt [Arranger]; Bause, Arndt [Conductor]; Mai, Siegfried [Arranger]; Vobruba, Josef [Conductor]; Wunderlich, Klaus [Arranger]; Wunderlich, Klaus [Instrumentalist]; Kaempfert, Bert [Arranger] ; Gerd-Michaelis-Chor, Tijuana Brass, Ray Conniff and the Singers, Berliner Rundfunk Tanzorchester, Amiga-Studio-Orchester, Miroslav Bureŝ und sein Studio-Orchester

    Moon river : Orchester-Parade 2 (1 Schallplatte)

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    Berlin DDR: VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, [19]84

    Published in: Orchester-Parade ; 2

  7. Hála, Vlastimil

    Obrana „antropocentrismu“

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    Masaryk University Press, 2013

    Published in: Sociální studia / Social Studies, 10 (2013) 1, Seite 63-73

  8. Blaha, Vaclav Komponist; Borovička, Antonín Komponist; Chrastansky, Ferdinand Komponist; Hotový, Josef Komponist; Hála, Vlastimil Komponist; Jonasson, Emanuel Komponist; Kaucky, Václav Komponist; Mellan, Josef Komponist; Stépanek, Josef Komponist; Tkakuc, Slava Komponist; Vacek, Karel Komponist; Vejvoda, Jaromir Komponist; Völk, Walter Komponist ; Original Egerländer Musikanten

    MOSCH, Ernst: Egerland - Heimatland (1957-1962)

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    Jube Legends, 211118

    Published in: Jube Legends

  9. Branny, Marian; Osmancik, Pavel; Kala, Petr; Poloczek, Martin; Herman, Dalibor; Neuzil, Petr; Hala, Pavel; Taborsky, Milos; Stasek, Josef; Haman, Ludek; Chovancik, Jan; Cervinka, Pavel; Holy, Jiri; Kovarnik, Tomas; Zemanek, David; Havranek, Stepan; Vancura, Vlastimil; Peichl, Petr; Tousek, Petr; Hozman, Marek; Lekesova, Veronika; Jarkovsky, Jiri; Novackova, Martina; Benesova, Klara; [...]

    Nonprocedural bleeding after left atrial appendage closure versus direct oral anticoagulants: A subanalysis of the randomized PRAGUE‐17 trial

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    Wiley, 2023

    Published in: Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 34 (2023) 9, Seite 1885-1895

  10. Osmancik, Pavel; Herman, Dalibor; Neuzil, Petr; Hala, Pavel; Taborsky, Milos; Kala, Petr; Poloczek, Martin; Stasek, Josef; Haman, Ludek; Branny, Marian; Chovancik, Jan; Cervinka, Pavel; Holy, Jiri; Kovarnik, Tomas; Zemanek, David; Havranek, Stepan; Vancura, Vlastimil; Peichl, Petr; Tousek, Petr; Lekesova, Veronika; Jarkovsky, Jiri; Novackova, Martina; Benesova, Klara; Widimsky, Petr;

    4-Year Outcomes After Left Atrial Appendage Closure Versus Nonwarfarin Oral Anticoagulation for Atrial Fibrillation

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    Elsevier BV, 2022

    Published in: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 79 (2022) 1, Seite 1-14

  11. Osmancik, Pavel; Herman, Dalibor; Neuzil, Petr; Hala, Pavel; Taborsky, Milos; Kala, Petr; Poloczek, Martin; Stasek, Josef; Haman, Ludek; Branny, Marian; Chovancik, Jan; Cervinka, Pavel; Holy, Jiri; Kovarnik, Tomas; Zemanek, David; Havranek, Stepan; Vancura, Vlastimil; Opatrny, Jan; Peichl, Petr; Tousek, Petr; Lekesova, Veronika; Jarkovsky, Jiri; Novackova, Martina; Benesova, Klara; [...]

    Left Atrial Appendage Closure Versus Direct Oral Anticoagulants in High-Risk Patients With Atrial Fibrillation

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    Elsevier BV, 2020

    Published in: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75 (2020) 25, Seite 3122-3135