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  1. Hanf, Theodor [Editor]; Hättich, Manfred [Editor]; Hilligen, Wolfgang [Editor]; Vente, Rolf E. [Editor]; Zwiefelhofer, Hans [Editor]

    Sozialer Wandel - [Originalausg.]



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    Frankfurt am Main: Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verl., 1975

    Published in: Fischer Taschenbuch ; . - Funk-Kolleg ; .

  2. Hanf, Theodor [Editor]; Hättich, Manfred [Editor]; Hilligen, Wolfgang [Editor]; Vente, Rolf E. [Editor]; Zwiefelhofer, Hans [Editor]

    Sozialer Wandel / Band 1



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    Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1975

    Published in: Sozialer Wandel / hrsg. von Theodor Hanf ... ; 1 - Funk-Kolleg zum Verständnis der modernen Gesellschaft ; 16 - Funk-Kolleg zum Verständnis der modernen Gesellschaft ; 16

  3. Thomssen, Christoph [Author]; Vetter, Martina [Author]; Kantelhardt, Eva Johanna [Author]; Meisner, Christoph [Author]; Schmidt, Marcus [Author]; Martin, Pierre M. [Author]; Clatot, Florian [Author]; Augustin, Doris [Author]; Hanf, Volker [Author]; Paepke, Daniela [Author]; Meinerz, Wolfgang [Author]; Hoffmann, Gerald [Author]; Wiest, Wolfgang [Author]; Sweep, Fred C. G. J. [Author]; Schmitt, Manfred [Author]; Jänicke, Fritz [Author]; Loibl, Sibylle [Author]; Minckwitz, Gunter von [Author]; Harbeck, Nadia [Author]

    Adjuvant docetaxel in node-negative breast cancer patients : a randomized trial of AGO-Breast Study Group, German Breast Group, and EORTC-Pathobiology Group

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    Published in: Cancers ; 15(2023), 5

  4. Thomssen, Christoph; Kantelhardt, Eva-Johanna; Meisner, Christoph; Vetter, Martina; Schmidt, Marcus; Martin, Pierre-Marie; Veyret, Corinne; Augustin, Doris; Hanf, Volker; Paepke, Daniela; Sweep, Fred CGJ; Schmitt, Manfred; von Minchwitz, Gunter; Jaenicke, Fritz; Harbeck, Nadia

    Abstract P1-13-02: Analysis of the NNBC 3-Europe trial: Addition of docetaxel to anthracycline containing adjuvant chemotherapy in high risk node-negative breast cancer patients

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    American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 2012

    Published in: Cancer Research, 72 (2012) 24_Supplement, Seite P1-13-02-P1-13-02

  5. Kantelhardt, Eva J; Vetter, Martina; Schmidt, Marcus; Veyret, Corinne; Augustin, Doris; Hanf, Volker; Meisner, Christoph; Paepke, Daniela; Schmitt, Manfred; Sweep, Fred; von Minckwitz, Gunter; Martin, Pierre-Marie; Jaenicke, Fritz; Thomssen, Christoph; Harbeck, Nadia

    Prospective evaluation of prognostic factors uPA/PAI-1 in node-negative breast cancer: Phase III NNBC3-Europe trial (AGO, GBG, EORTC-PBG) comparing 6 × FEC versus 3 × FEC/3 × Docetaxel

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2011

    Published in: BMC Cancer, 11 (2011) 1

  6. Thomssen, Christoph; Vetter, Martina; Kantelhardt, Eva J.; Meisner, Christoph; Schmidt, Marcus; Martin, Pierre M.; Clatot, Florian; Augustin, Doris; Hanf, Volker; Paepke, Daniela; Meinerz, Wolfgang; Hoffmann, Gerald; Wiest, Wolfgang; Sweep, Fred C. G. J.; Schmitt, Manfred; Jänicke, Fritz; Loibl, Sibylle; Minckwitz, Gunter von; Harbeck, Nadia

    Adjuvant Docetaxel in Node-Negative Breast Cancer Patients: A Randomized Trial of AGO-Breast Study Group, German Breast Group, and EORTC-Pathobiology Group

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    MDPI AG, 2023

    Published in: Cancers, 15 (2023) 5, Seite 1580

  7. Thomssen, Christoph; Bauerfeind, Ingo; Bischoff, Joachim; Blohmer, Jens Uwe; Brunnert, Klaus; Costa, Serban D.; Dall, Peter; Diel, Ingo J.; Fersis, Nikos; Friedrich, Michael; Friedrichs, Kay; Gerber, Bernd; Göhring, Uwe-Jochen; Hanf, Volker; Harbeck, Nadia; Huober, Jens; Jackisch, Christian; Janni, Wolfgang; Jonat, Walter; Kaufmann, Manfred; Lück, Hans-Joachim; Maass, Nicolai; Möbus, Volker; Nitz, Ulrike; [...]

    AGO Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Therapy of Breast Cancer

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    S. Karger AG, 2007

    Published in: Breast Care, 2 (2007) 4, Seite 244-250