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Stuttgart: G. Hatje, 1993
Helfenstein, Josef
The Menil Collection,
Internationales Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmondmuseum,
Exhibition Experiments with Truth: Gandhi and Images of Nonviolence 2014-2016 Houston, Tex.; Genf
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Champaign, Ill.: Krannert Art Museum [u.a.], 2003
Helfenstein, Josef
Bourgeois, Louise
Krannert Art Museum,
Exhibition Louise Bourgeois: The Early Work 2002 - 2003 Champaign, Ill. u.a
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Bern: Benteli, 1998-2004
Lassnig, Maria
Helfenstein, Josef
Weskott, Hanne
[Editor]Kunstmuseum Bern,
Musée national d'art moderne Paris,
Städtisches Museum Leverkusen Schloß Morsbroich
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New Haven [u.a.]: Yale Univ. Press, 2010
Flavin, Dan
Helfenstein, Josef
Osadtschy, Olga
Degen, Elena
Baier, Simon
Feldman, Jules Pelta
Fink, Arthur
Kumler, Aden
Kurjaković, Daniel
Widrich, Mechtild
Helfenstein, Josef
Osadtschy, Olga
Degen, Elena
[Editor]Kunstmuseum Basel
Helfenstein, Josef
Elliott, Clare
De Maria, Walter
The Menil Collection,
Exhibition Walter de Maria: Trilogies 2011-2012 Houston, Tex