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Hill, George Roy [Other]; Newman, Paul [Other]; Ontkean, Michael [Other]; Crouse, Lindsey [Other]; Dowd, Nancy [Other]; Bernstein, Elmer [Other]Schlappschuss : Special Edition zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum (1 DVD-Video)Close
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Hill, George Roy [Other]; Newman, Paul [Other]; Redford, Robert [Other]; Ross, Katharine [Other]; Goldman, William [Other]; Bacharach, Burt [Other]Butch Cassidy und Sundance Kid = Dos hobres y un destino - [Special Ed.] (1 DVD-Video)Close
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You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this.[S.l.]: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2001 ; [S.l.]: Twentieth Century Fox [Orig.-Prod.], 2001
Hill, George Roy [Other]; Ward, David S. [Other]; Newman, Paul [Other]; Redford, Robert [Other]; Shaw, Robert [Other]; Surtees, Robert [Other]Der Clou (1 Videokassette)Close
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You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this.[S.l.]: Universal Pictures, 1984 ; Eschborn: CIC Video, 1984
Published in: Hollywood collection
Hill, George Roy [Other]; Sacks, Michael [Other]; Leibman, Ron [Other]; Roche, Eugene [Other]; Vonnegut, Kurt [Other]; Ondrícek, Miroslav [Other]; Gould, Glenn [Other]Schlachthof 5 : nach dem Roman "Slaughterhouse five or the children's crusade" von Kurt Vonnegut (1 Videokassette [VHS])Close
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You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this.[S.l.]: [Universal], 1972
Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)
Hill, George Roy [Other]; Vonnegut, Kurt [Other]; Sacks, Michael [Other]; Leibman, Ron [Other]; Roche, Eugene [Other]; Geller, Stephen [Other]; Ondrícek, Miroslav [Other]; Gould, Glenn [Other]Schlachthof 5 - [Digitally remastered] (1 DVD-Video)Close
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You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this.[S.l.]: Koch Media, 2008
Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)
Hill, George Roy [Other]; Williams, Robin [Other]; Hurt, Mary Beth [Other]; Close, Glenn [Other]; Tesich, Steve [Other]; Irving, John [Other]; Ondrícek, Miroslav [Other]; Shire, David [Other]Garp und wie er die Welt sah (1 Videokassette)Close
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Published in: Warner Home Video
Hill, George Roy [Other]; Mandel, Loring [Other]; Keaton, Diane [Other]; Voyagis, Yorgo [Other]; Kinski, Klaus [Other]; Grusin, Dave [Other]; Treu, Wolfgang [Other]; Le Carré, John [Other]Die Libelle (1 Videokassette)Close
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You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this.[S.l.]: Warner Home Video, 1991 ; [S.l.]: Warner Bros. Inc. [Orig.-Prod.], 1991
Händel, Georg Friedrich [Author] ; Hill, Aaron [Other]; Rossi, Giacomo [Other]; Esswood, Paul [Performer]; Jacquelin, Marie-Françoise [Performer]; Malgoire, Jean-Claude [Performer]; Cotrubaş, Ileana [Performer]; Watkinson, Carolyn [Performer]; Brett, Charles [Performer]; Cold, Ulrik [Performer]; Scovotti, Jeanette [Performer]; Arapian, Armand [Performer]; Boulin, Sophie [Performer]; Leport, Nicole [Performer] La Grande Écurie et la chambre du roy MusikgruppeRinaldo : Oper in drei Akten (3 Schallpl. in Kassette)Close
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Published in: Eterna Edition
Händel, Georg Friedrich [Other]; Hill, Aaron [Other]; Rossi, Giacomo [Other]; Malgoire, Jean-Claude [Performer]; Leport, Nicole [Performer]; Jacquelin, Marie-Françoise [Performer]; Esswood, Paul [Performer]; Cotrubaş, Ileana [Performer]; Watkinson, Carolyn [Performer]; Brett, Charles [Performer]; Cold, Ulrik [Performer]; Scovotti, Jeanette [Performer]; Arapian, Armand [Performer]; Boulin, Sophie [Performer] ; La Grande Écurie et la chambre du roy MusikgruppeRinaldo (3 CDs)Close
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Hill, George Roy [Other]; Sacks, Michael [Other]; Leibman, Ron [Other]; Roche, Eugene [Other]; Vonnegut, Kurt [Other]; Ondrícek, Miroslav [Other]; Gould, Glenn [Other]Schlachthof 5 : nach dem Roman "Slaughterhouse five or the children's crusade" von Kurt VonnegutClose
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Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)
Maury, Eduardo A. [Author]; Sherman, Maxwell A. [Author]; McCarroll, Steven A. [Author]; Webb, Bradley T. [Author]; Wolen, Aaron R. [Author]; Wormley, Brandon K. [Author]; Kendler, Kenneth S. [Author]; Riley, Brien P. [Author]; Kähler, Anna K. [Author]; Magnusson, Patrik K. E. [Author]; Hultman, Christina M. [Author]; Bertalan, Marcelo [Author]; Hansen, Thomas [Author]; Loh, Po-Ru [Author]; Olsen, Line [Author]; Rasmussen, Henrik B. [Author]; Werge, Thomas [Author]; Mattheisen, Manuel [Author]; Black, Donald W. [Author]; Bruggeman, Richard [Author]; Buccola, Nancy G. [Author]; Buckner, Randy L. [Author]; Roffman, Joshua L. [Author]; Byerley, William [Author]; [...]Schizophrenia-associated somatic copy-number variants from 12,834 cases reveal recurrent NRXN1 and ABCB11 disruptionsView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Cell genomics 3(8), 100356 - (2023). doi:10.1016/j.xgen.2023.100356
Hill, George W.; Sims, Newell LeRoyElements of Rural SociologyView onlineSchließen
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Published in: American Sociological Review, 5 (1940) 6, Seite 996
Aubert, B. [Author]; Barate, R. [Author]; Prudent, X. [Author]; Abe, K. [Author]; Schilling, C. J. [Author]; Schwitters, R. F. [Author]; Wray, B. C. [Author]; Drummond, B. W. [Author]; Izen, J. M. [Author]; Kitayama, I. [Author]; Lou, X. C. [Author]; Ye, S. [Author]; Bianchi, F. [Author]; Bona, M. [Author]; Asgeirsson, D. J. [Author]; Gallo, F. [Author]; Gamba, D. [Author]; Pelliccioni, M. [Author]; Bomben, M. [Author]; Borean, C. [Author]; Bosisio, L. [Author]; Cossutti, F. [Author]; Della Ricca, G. [Author]; Dittongo, S. [Author]; [...]The BaBar detector: Upgrades, operation and performanceView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / A 729, 615 - 701 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.nima.2013.05.107
Abbott, R. [Author]; Abbott, T.D. [Author]; Abraham, S. [Author]; Acernese, F. [Author]; Ackley, K. [Author]; Adams, A. [Author]; Adams, C. [Author]; Adhikari, R.X. [Author]; Adya, V.B. [Author]; Affeldt, C. [Author]; Agathos, M. [Author]; Agatsuma, K. [Author]; Aggarwal, N. [Author]; Aguiar, O.D. [Author]; Aiello, L. [Author]; Ain, A. [Author]; Ajith, P. [Author]; Akcay, S. [Author]; Allen, G. [Author]; Allocca, A. [Author]; Altin, P.A. [Author]; Amato, A. [Author]; Anand, S. [Author]; Ananyeva, A. [Author]; [...]Tests of general relativity with binary black holes from the second LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave transient catalog - [published Version]View onlineSchließen
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You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this.College Park, MD : American Physical Society, 2021
Published in: Physical Review D 103 (2021), Nr. 12 ; Physical Review D
Abbott, R. [Author]; Abbott, T.D. [Author]; Acernese, F. [Author]; Ackley, K. [Author]; Adams, C. [Author]; Adhikari, N. [Author]; Adhikari, R.X. [Author]; Adya, V.B. [Author]; Affeldt, C. [Author]; Agarwal, D. [Author]; Agathos, M. [Author]; Agatsuma, K. [Author]; Aggarwal, N. [Author]; Aguiar, O.D. [Author]; Aiello, L. [Author]; Ain, A. [Author]; Ajith, P. [Author]; Akutsu, T. [Author]; Albanesi, S. [Author]; Allocca, A. [Author]; Altin, P.A. [Author]; Amato, A. [Author]; Anand, C. [Author]; Anand, S. [Author]; [...]Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi and Swift during the LIGO-Virgo Run O3b - [published Version]View onlineSchließen
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Published in: The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics : Part 1 928 (2022), Nr. 2 ; The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics : Part 1
Phelps, Nowell H [Author]; Singleton, Rosie K [Author]; Zhou, Bin [Author]; Heap, Rachel A [Author]; Mishra, Anu [Author]; Bennett, James E [Author]; Paciorek, Christopher J [Author]; Lhoste, Victor PF [Author]; Carrillo-Larco, Rodrigo M [Author]; Stevens, Gretchen A [Author]; Rodriguez-Martinez, Andrea [Author]; Bixby, Honor [Author]; Bentham, James [Author]; Di Cesare, Mariachiara [Author]; Danaei, Goodarz [Author]; Rayner, Archie W [Author]; Barradas-Pires, Ana [Author]; Cowan, Melanie J [Author]; Savin, Stefan [Author]; Riley, Leanne M [Author]; Aguilar-Salinas, Carlos A [Author]; Baker, Jennifer L [Author]; Barkat, Amina [Author]; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A [Author]; [...]Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adultsView onlineSchließen
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Abbott, R. [Author]; Abbott, T.D. [Author]; Abraham, S. [Author]; Acernese, F. [Author]; Ackley, K. [Author]; Adams, A. [Author]; Adams, C. [Author]; Adhikari, R.X. [Author]; Adya, V.B. [Author]; Affeldt, Christoph [Author]; Agathos, M. [Author]; Agatsuma, K. [Author]; Aggarwal, N. [Author]; Aguiar, O.D. [Author]; Aiello, L. [Author]; Ain, A. [Author]; Ajith, P. [Author]; Akcay, S. [Author]; Allen, G. [Author]; Allocca, A. [Author]; Altin, P.A. [Author]; Amato, A. [Author]; Anand, S. [Author]; Ananyeva, A. [Author]; [...] ; LIGO Scientific Collaboration [Contributor]; Virgo Collaboration [Contributor]GWTC-2: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the First Half of the Third Observing Run - [published Version]View onlineSchließen
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You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this.College Park, MD : American Physical Society, 2021
Published in: Physical Review X (2021), Nr. 2 ; Physical Review X
Abbott, R. [Author]; Abe, H. [Author]; Acernese, F. [Author]; Ackley, K. [Author]; Adhicary, S. [Author]; Adhikari, N. [Author]; Adhikari, R. X. [Author]; Adkins, V. K. [Author]; Adya, V. B. [Author]; Affeldt, C. [Author]; Agarwal, D. [Author]; Agathos, M. [Author]; Aguiar, O. D. [Author]; Aiello, L. [Author]; Ain, A. [Author]; Ajith, P. [Author]; Akutsu, T. [Author]; Albanesi, S. [Author]; Alfaidi, R. A. [Author]; Alléné, C. [Author]; Allocca, A. [Author]; Altin, P. A. [Author]; Amato, A. [Author]; Anand, S. [Author]; [...]Model-based Cross-correlation Search for Gravitational Waves from the Low-mass X-Ray Binary Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O3 Data - [published Version]View onlineSchließen
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Published in: The Astrophysical Journal Letters 941 (2022), Nr. 2 ; The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Abbott, R. [Author]; Abbott, T.D. [Author]; Abraham, S. [Author]; Acernese, F. [Author]; Ackley, K. [Author]; Adams, A. [Author]; Adams, C. [Author]; Adhikari, R.X. [Author]; Adya, V.B. [Author]; Affeldt, C. [Author]; Agarwal, D. [Author]; Agathos, M. [Author]; Agatsuma, K. [Author]; Aggarwal, N. [Author]; Aguiar, O.D. [Author]; Aiello, L. [Author]; Ain, A. [Author]; Ajith, P. [Author]; Aleman, K.M. [Author]; Allen, G. [Author]; Allocca, A. [Author]; Altin, P.A. [Author]; Amato, A. [Author]; Anand, S. [Author]; [...]All-sky search in early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational-wave signals from unknown neutron stars in binary systems - [published Version]View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Physical Review D 103 (2021), Nr. 6 ; Physical Review D
Abbott, R. [Author]; Abbott, T.D. [Author]; Abraham, S. [Author]; Acernese, F. [Author]; Ackley, K. [Author]; Adams, A. [Author]; Adams, C. [Author]; Adhikari, R.X. [Author]; Adya, V.B. [Author]; Affeldt, C. [Author]; Agarwal, D. [Author]; Agathos, M. [Author]; Agatsuma, K. [Author]; Aggarwal, N. [Author]; Aguiar, O.D. [Author]; Aiello, L. [Author]; Ain, A. [Author]; Ajith, P. [Author]; Akutsu, T. [Author]; Aleman, K.M. [Author]; Allen, G. [Author]; Allocca, A. [Author]; Altin, P.A. [Author]; Amato, A. [Author]; [...]Constraints on Cosmic Strings Using Data from the Third Advanced LIGO-Virgo Observing Run - [published Version]View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Physical Review Letters 126 (2021), Nr. 24 ; Physical Review Letters