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  1. Hoole, Charles [Author] ; Hoole, Charles [Other]

    Terminationes et exempla declinationum et conjugationum : in usum gramaticastrorum - [2, 18, 4, 118 p]

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    Londini: Typis A.C. pro J. Clark apud quem vaeneunt ad Mercerorum Capellam, in vico vulg. voc. Cheapside, MDCLXXVI. [1676] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  2. Hoole, Charles [Author] ; Hoole, Charles [Other]

    The common rudiments of Latine grammar usually taught in all schools : delivered in a very plain method for young beginners ... : with a synopsis of the matter and an index of words belonging to each of them

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    [London]: Printed by W. Godbid for John Saywell and are to be sold at his shop, 1657 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  3. Hoole, Charles [Author] ; Hoole, Charles [Other]

    Terminationes et exempla declinationum, et conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Operâ & studio Caroli Hoole A.M. è C.L. Oxon. scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Ebor. jam verò privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutoris in ædibus Lothburiensibus quadrantariis, haud ita procul a byrsa regali apud Londinates

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    Londini: typis T. Mabb, veneuntq[ue] apud Johannem Clark, jun. in Mercatorum Sacello; ad inferiorem partem Vici vulgò vocati Cheap-side, M.D.C.LIX. [1659] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  4. Hoole, Charles [Other]

    1. Catonis disticha de moribus, 2. Dicta insignia septem sapientum Græciæ, 3. Mimi publiam, sive, Senecæ proverbia Anglo-Latina : Cato item grammaticè interpretatus Latinis & vernaculis vocibus pari ordine sed diversis lineis alternatis quò sc. ætatula puerilis praecepta vitæ communis ita legant ut intelligant = 1. Cato's distichs concerning manners, 2. Excellent sayings of the seven wise men of Greece, 3. Publius's stage verses, or, Seneca's proverbs in Latin and English : likewise Cato constructed grammatically, with one row Latine and another English, whereby little children may understandingly learn the rules of common behavior

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    London: Printed by B.G. for the Company of Stationers, 1693 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  5. Comenius, Johann Amos [Author] ; Hoole, Charles [Other]

    Joh. Amos Commenii Orbis sensualium pictus: hoc est, Omnium fundamentalium in mundo rerum, & in vita actionum, pictura & nomenclatura : Joh. Amos Commenius's Visible world: or, a picture and nomenclature of all the chief things that are in the world; and of mens employments therein. Newly written by the author in Latin and High-Dutch (being one of his last essays, and the most suitable to childrens capacities of any that he hath hitherto made) and translated into English, by Charles Hoole, M.A. For the use of young Latin-scholars = [electronic resource]

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    London: printed for, and sold by John Sprint, at the Bell in Little Britain, 1700 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  6. Hoole, Charles [Other]

    1. Catonis disticha de moribus, 2. Dicta insignia septem sapientum Græciæ, 3. Mimi publiani, sive, Senecæ proverbia, Anglo-Latina : Cato item grammaticè interpretatus, Latinis & vernaculis vocibus, pari ordine, sed diversis lineis alternatis, quò sc. Ætatula puerilis præcepta vitæ communis ita legant ut intelligant = 1. Cato's distichs concerning manners, 2. Excellent sayings of the seven wise men of Greece, 3. Publius's stage-verses, or, Seneca's proverbs in Latine and English : likewise Cato construed grammatically, with one row Latine and the other English, whereby little children may understandingly learn the rules of common behaviour

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    London: Printed by B.G. for the Company of Stationers, 1688 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  7. Aesopus [Author] ; Hoole, Charles [Other]

    Aesopi fabulae Anglo-Latinae : quarum singulae in distinctas suas periodos, numericis characteribus annotatas, ita dividuntur ut in eisdem transcribendis & transferendis exercitati pueruli, non modo regulas quascunque grammaticas accuratius intelligant, sed & aptam verborum compositionem, atque idiomata utriusque linguae felici`us prosequantur, atq imitentur

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    Londini: Excudebat M.F. pro Societate Stationariorum, 1689 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  8. Hoole, Charles [Other]

    HēKainē Diathēkē· : Huic editioni omnia difficiliorum vocabulorum themata, quæ in Georgii Pasoris lexico grammaticè resolvuntur, in margine apposuit Carolus Hoole. In eorum scilicet gratiam, qui prima Græcæ linguæ tyrocinia faciunt = Novum Testamentum

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    Londini: excudebat Andr. Clark, pro Sam. Mearne, Joan. Martyn, & Hen. Herringman, MDCLXXIV. [1674] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  9. Comenius, Johann Amos [Author] ; Hoole, Charles [Other]

    Joh. Amos Commenii Orbis sensualium pictus: hoc est, omnium fundamentalium in mundo rerum, & in vita actionum, pictura & nomenclatura

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    London: Printed by J.R. for Abel Swall, at the Unicorn at the west end of St. Paul's Church-yard, 1689 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  10. Cordier, Mathurin [Author] ; Hoole, Charles [Other]

    Maturinus Corderius's School-colloquies, English and Latin, divided into several clauses : wherein the propriety of both languages is kept. That children, by the help of their mother tongue, may the better learn to speak Latin in ordinary discourse. There are numbers set down betwixt both, which do shew the place and natural use of any word or phrase

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    London: Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1688 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  11. Cordier, Mathurin [Author] ; Hoole, Charles [Other]

    Maturinus Corderius's school-colloquies English and Latine : divided into several clauses : wherein the propriety of both languages is kept : that children by the help of their mother-tongue, may the better learn to speak Latine in ordinary discourse : there are numbers set down betwixt both, which do shew the place, and natural use of any word or phrase

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    London: Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1676 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  12. Cordier, Mathurin [Author] ; Hoole, Charles [Other]

    Maturinus Corderius's school-colloquies English and Latine : Divided into several clauses; wherein the propriety of both languages is kept. That children by the help of their mother-tongue, may the better learn to speak Latine in ordinary discourse. There are numbers set down betwixt both, which do shew the place, and natural use of any word or phrase. By Charles Hoole, Mr. of Arts of Lin. Col. Ox. teacher of a private grammar-school, betwixt Goldsmiths-Ally in Red-Cross-street, and Maiden-head Court in Aldersgate-street Lond

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    London: printed for the Company of Stationers, 1684 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  13. Terence [Author] ; Hoole, Charles [Other]

    Publii Terentii Carthaginiensis Afri, poëtæ lepidissimi Comoediæ sex Anglo-Latinæ : in usum ludi-discipulorum quo feliciùs venustatem linguæ Latinæ ad sermonem quotidianum exercendum assequantur = Six comedies of that excellent poet Publius Terentius, an African of Carthage, in English and Latine : for the use of young scholars that they may the more readily attain the purity of the Latine tongue for common discourse

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    London: Printed by E.F. for the Company of Stationers, 1676 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  14. Hoole, Charles [Other]

    1. Catonis disticha de moribus : 2. Dicta insignia septem sapientum Græciæ, 3. Mimi publiam, sive, Senecæ proverbia, Anglo-Latina Cato item grammaticè interpretatus, Latinis & vernaculis vocibus, pari ordine, sed diversis lineis alternatis, quo sc. ætatula puerilis præcepta vitæ communis ita legant ut intelligant = 1. Cato's distichs concerning manners, 2. Excellent sayings of the seven wise men of Greece, 3. Publius's stage-verses, or, Seneca's proverbs in Latin and English : likewise Cato construed grammatically, with one row Latin and the other English, whereby little children may understandingly learn the rules of common behaviour

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    London: Printed by R.W. for the Company of Stationers, 1670 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO