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  1. Schubert, Franz [Author] ; Kertész, István [Performer] Wiener Philharmoniker

    The symphonies (4 CD)

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    London: Decca, c 1991

  2. Zach, Peter [Other]; Kertész, Imre [Other]; Klopfenstein, Clemens [Other]; Pärt, Arvo [Other] ; Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Berliner Künstlerprogramm

    Sehnsucht Berlin : eine Hommage an die Stadt und Ihre Gäste des Künstlerprogramms; Begegnungen mit: Imre Kertész, Clemens Klopfenstein, Arvo Pärt, Juri Andruchowytsch, Paul Nizon, Stephen Wilks, Peter Nestler, Nele Hertlin, David Moss, Antonio Skármeta, Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven, Damián Ortega, Péter Nádas, Clemens Gadenstätter, Liza Lim, Andrew Horn = The city named desire (1 DVD-Video)



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    Berlin: absolut Medien, 2009

  3. Pongrácz, Zoltán [Author] ; Petrarca, Francesco [Other]; Erasmus, Desiderius [Other]; Sapszon, Ferenc [Performer]; Kertész, Péter [Performer]; Bordás, György [Performer] Magyar Rádió és Televízió Budapest Énekkar

    Elektronikus zene = Electronic music (1 Schallpl)

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    Hungary: Hungaroton, P 1982

  4. Balassi, Bálint [Other]; Benkő, Dániel [Other]; Csajbók, Terézia [Performer]; Pászti, György [Performer]; Zsoldos, Béla [Performer]; Ferencz, Éva [Performer]; Bordás, György [Performer]; Kertész, Péter [Performer]; Benkő, Dániel [Performer]; Ella, Péter [Performer]; Mandell, Robert [Performer]; Herényi, István [Performer]; Novák, János [Performer] ; Ifjú Zenebarátok Központi Kórusa, Bakfark Consort

    Balassi Bálint énekei = Songs by Bálint Balassi, a Hungarian poet from the 16th Century (1 Schallpl)

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    [S.l.]: Hungaroton, P 1980

  5. Pálóczi Horváth, Ádám [Author] ; Harsányi, Gábor [Performer]; Kincses, Veronika [Performer]; Benkő, Dániel [Performer]; Hűvösvölgyi, Ildikó [Performer]; Pálos, Zsuzsa [Performer]; Bordás, György [Performer]; Szőkefalvy-Nagy, Katalin [Performer]; Pitti, Katalin [Performer]; Kertész, Péter [Performer]; Miller, Lajos [Performer]; Dévai Nagy, Kamilla [Performer] Bakfark Consort

    Ötödfélszáz énekek : részletek; Dániel Benkő feldolgozásai (1 Schallpl)

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    [S.l.]: Hungaroton, P 1983

  6. Baki, Péter [Other]; Ford, Colin [Other]; Szirtes, George [Other] ; Royal Academy of Arts, Exhibition Eyewitness: Hungarian Photography in the Twentieth Century. Brassaï, Capa, Kertész, Moholy-Nagy, Munkácsi 2011 London

    Eyewitness : Hungarian photography in the twentieth century : Brassai͏̈, Capa, Kertesz,Moholy-Nagy, Munkácsi ; [on the occasion of the exhibition "Eyewitness: Hungarian Photography in the Twentieth Century. Brassai͏̈, Capa, Kertesz, Moholy-Nagy, Munkácsi", Royal Academy of Arts, London, 30 June - 2 October 2011]

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    London: Royal Academy of Arts, 2011

  7. Radisch, Iris [Author] ; ʿOz, Amos [Other]; Aichinger, Ilse [Other]; Grass, Günter [Other]; Modiano, Patrick [Other]; Klüger, Ruth [Other]; Reich-Ranicki, Marcel [Other]; Walser, Martin [Other]; Kertész, Imre [Other]; Nádas, Péter [Other]; Mayröcker, Friederike [Other]; Green, Julien [Other]; Rühmkorf, Peter [Other]; Butor, Michel [Other]; Tabucchi, Antonio [Other]; Kirsch, Sarah [Other]; Tabori, George [Other]; Simon, Claude [Other]; Steiner, George [Other]; Bitov, Andrej [Other]

    Die letzten Dinge : Lebensendgespräche ; [Amos Oz; Ilse Aichinger; Günter Grass; Patrick Modiano; Ruth Klüger; Marcel Reich-Ranicki; Martin Walser; Imre Kertész; Péter Nádas; Friederike Mayröcker; Julien Green; Peter Rühmkorf; Michel Butor; Antonio Tabucchi; Sarah Kirsch; George Tabori; Claude Simon; George Steiner; Andrej Bitow] - [1. Aufl.]

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    Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2015

  8. Hollaender, Friedrich [Composer] ; Curtiz, Michael [Film director]; Bogart, Humphrey [Actor]; Ray, Aldo [Actor]; Ustinov, Peter [Actor]; MacDougall, Ranald [Screenwriter]; Husson, Albert [Screenwriter]

    Wir sind keine Engel (1 DVD-Video)



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    Unterföhring: Paramount Home Entertainment, [2009]