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New Haven, Conn. [u.a.]n: Yale Univ. Press [u.a.], c 2011
Klein, Mason
Ray, Man
Baker, George
Jewish Museum New York, NY,
Exhibition Alias Man Ray: the Art of Reinvention 2009 - 2010 New York, NY
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JSTOR, 1988
Published in:
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 7 (1988) 2, Seite 335
Kattge, Jens
Bönisch, Gerhard
Acosta, Alicia T. R.
Burrascano, Sabina
Burslem, David F. R. P.
Butterfield, Bradley J.
Byun, Chaeho
Marques, Marcia
Scalon, Marina C.
Caccianiga, Marco
Cadotte, Marc
Cailleret, Maxime
Camac, James
Adamidis, George C.
Camarero, Jesús Julio
Campany, Courtney
Campetella, Giandiego
Campos, Juan Antonio
Cano‐Arboleda, Laura
Canullo, Roberto
Carbognani, Michele
Carvalho, Fabio
Casanoves, Fernando
Castagneyrol, Bastien
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Wiley-Blackwell, 2020
Published in:Global change biology 26(1), 119 - 188 (2020). doi:10.1111/gcb.14904
Kattge, Jens
Bönisch, Gerhard
Díaz, Sandra
Lavorel, Sandra
Prentice, Iain Colin
Leadley, Paul
Tautenhahn, Susanne
Werner, Gijsbert D. A.
Aakala, Tuomas
Abedi, Mehdi
Acosta, Alicia T. R.
Adamidis, George C.
Adamson, Kairi
Aiba, Masahiro
Albert, Cécile H.
Alcántara, Julio M.
Alcázar C, Carolina
Aleixo, Izabela
Ali, Hamada
Amiaud, Bernard
Ammer, Christian
Amoroso, Mariano M.
Anand, Madhur
Anderson, Carolyn