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  1. Kohlhase, Thomas [Author]; Barsova, Inna Alekseevna [Author]; Belonovič, Galina I. [Author]; Bobéth, Marek [Author]; Dammann, Susanne [Author]; Frumkis, Tatjana [Author]; Grönke, Kadja [Author]; Holden, Anthony [Author]; Klimovickij, Arkadij Iosifovič [Author]; Kluge, Rolf-Dieter [Author]; Korabelʹnikova, Ljudmila Zinovʹevna [Author]; Lehmann, Dieter [Author]; Morita, Minoru [Author]; Neef, Sigrid [Author]; Poznanskij, Aleksandr N. [Author]; Rubcova, Valentina [Author]; Smirnov, Valerij Vasilʹevič [Author]; Sokolov, Valerij [Author]; Vajdman, Polina [Author]; Weber, Petra [Author]; Zajaczkowski, Henry S. [Author]; Zemcovskij, Izalij I. [Author] ; Kohlhase, Thomas [Editor] Internationales Čajkovskij-Symposium 1993 Tübingen

    Internationales Čajkovskij-Symposium Tübingen 1993 : Bericht

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    Mainz [u.a.]: Schott, 1995

    Published in: Čajkovskij-Studien ; 100

  2. Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič [Composer] ; Kohlhase, Thomas [Editor] Tschaikowsky-Gesellschaft, Gosudarstvennyj dom-muzej P. I. Čajkovskogo, The Institute of the Russian Federation for the study of the arts

    Symphony No. 6 in b minor "Pathétique" : op. 74 (ČW 27) = Simfonija No 6 si minor "Patetičeskaja" : soč. 74 (ČS 27) - Partitur

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    Moscow: Muzyka, 1993 ; Mainz; London; Berlin; Madrid; New York; Paris; Tokyo; Toronto: Schott, 1993

    Published in: Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič: New edition of the complete works. ; 2,39b

  3. Zelenka, Jan Dismas [Author] ; Kohlhase, Thomas [Editor]

    Lamentatio I, Gründonnerstag - Partitur

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    Stuttgart: Carus-Verl., 1987