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  1. Jaffrezic-Renault, Nicole [Author] ; Agouzoul, Mohamed [Contributor]; Alhaj, Omar [Contributor]; Allain, Pierre Etienne [Contributor]; Allain, Pierre-Etienne [Contributor]; Anguy, Yannick [Contributor]; Antoine, Rodolphe [Contributor]; Apaolaza, Xabier [Contributor]; Assaad, Jamal [Contributor]; Audouard, E [Contributor]; Auger, F [Contributor]; Balleyguier, L [Contributor]; Baraket, Abdoullatif [Contributor]; Barthel, Etienne [Contributor]; Baudot, J [Contributor]; Bausells, Joan [Contributor]; Belin, Étienne [Contributor]; Bertin, Maxime [Contributor]; Betatache, Amina [Contributor]; Bongiovanni, Eric [Contributor]; Bonhommé, Anne [Contributor]; Bonnet, Stéphanie [Contributor]; Bore, Thierry [Contributor]; Bosseboeuf, Alain [Contributor]; Bouazaze, Hanane [Contributor]; [...]

    Instrumentation et Interdisciplinarité : Capteurs Chimiques et Physiques

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    Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, [2021] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Intégrations des Savoirs et des Savoir-faire

  2. Baudot, Jerome; Busato, Emmanuel; Berat, Corinne; Donini, Julien; Kégl, Balázs; Laktineh, Imad; Leroy, Olivier; Lucotte, Arnaud


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    EDP Sciences, 2013

    Published in: EPJ Web of Conferences, 55 (2013), Seite 00001

  3. Baudot, Jerome; Bérat, Corinne; Hammel de Monchenault, Gautier; Laktineh, Imad; Leroy, Olivier; Lucotte, Arnaud


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    EDP Sciences, 2010

    Published in: EPJ Web of Conferences, 4 (2010), Seite 00001

  4. Tan, Yongqi; Guo, Jun; Guo, Yihan; Laktineh, Imad; Liu, Yang; Mao, Lining; Shen, Qiuping; Tang, Jiannan; Wang, Mingxin; Wu, Weihao; Yang, Haijun; Zhi, Wei; Zhou, Zhizhen

    A Prototype of the Timing Electronic System for the CALICE SDHCAL

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    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024

    Published in: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (2024), Seite 1-1

  5. Tumasyan, Armen; Adam, Wolfgang; Andrejkovic, Janik Walter; Bergauer, Thomas; Chatterjee, Suman; Dragicevic, Marko; Escalante Del Valle, Alberto; Fruehwirth, Rudolf; Jeitler, Manfred; Krammer, Natascha; Lechner, Lukas; Liko, Dietrich; Mikulec, Ivan; Paulitsch, Peter; Pitters, Florian Michael; Schieck, Jochen; Schöfbeck, Robert; Spanring, Markus; Templ, Sebastian; Waltenberger, Wolfgang; Wulz, Claudia-Elisabeth; Chekhovsky, Vladimir; Litomin, Aliaksandr; Makarenko, Vladimir; [...]

    A new calibration method for charm jet identification validated with proton-proton collision events at √s = 13 TeV

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    IOP Publishing, 2022

    Published in: Journal of Instrumentation, 17 (2022) 3, Seite P03014