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New York: Simon and Schuster, 1959
Loewe, Frederick
Lerner, Alan Jay
Mauceri, John
Cornwell, Joseph
Edwards, Terry
Te Kanawa, Kiri
Irons, Jeremy
Mitchell, Warren
Gielgud, John
Hadley, Jerry
Dickinson, Meriel
Beavan, David
[Performer]London Symphony Orchestra
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[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: Frontiers Media SA, 2020
Barnett, A. Doak
Dube, S. C
Feliciano, Gloria D
Feliciano, Gregorio M
Flavier, Juan M
Flores, Thomas G
Frederick, T. C. Yu
Fuchs, Lawrence H
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Lerner, Daniel
Lerner, Daniel
Millikan, Max F
Nair, L. R
Oshima, Harry T
Pye, Lucian W
Ruggels, W. Lee
Schramm, Wilbur
Schramm, Wilbur
Weiner, Myron
Worth, Robert M
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Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, [2021]
Published in:East-West Center Books
Brentano, Robert
Eisenstadt, S. N
Ferguson, John
Finkelstein, Jacob J
Forman, Charles W
Halman, Talat Sait
Kirk, George
Lasswell, Harold D
Lasswell, Harold D
Lerner, Daniel
Lerner, Daniel
Mardin, Șerif
McGowan, Bruce
Mead, Margaret
Oppenheim, A. Leo
Sharma, R. S
Speier, Hans
Speier, Hans
Weber, Max
Wilson, John A
Wright, Arthur F
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Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, [2021]
Published in:East-West Center Books
Carmichael, Hoagy Komponist;
Churchill, Frank Komponist;
Confrey, Zez Komponist;
Franklin, Dave Komponist;
Harline, Leigh Komponist;
Kortlander, Max Komponist;
Lerner, Sammy Komponist;
Luther, Frank Komponist;
Malotte, Albert Hay Komponist;
Meyer, Joseph Komponist;
Rainger, Ralph Komponist;
Rathke Komponist;
Robison, Carson Komponist;
Ronell, Ann Komponist;
Rothberg, B. Komponist;
Scott, Raymond Komponist;
Tobias, Charles Komponist;
Wendling, Pete Komponist
Ben Bernie Band,
Ben Bernie Orchestra,
Bob Zurke Delta Rhythm Band,
De Marco Girls,
Del Courtney Orchestra,
Dixieland Swingsters,
Don Bestor Orchestra,
Glenn Miller Orchestra,
Guy Lombardo Royal Canadians,
Hans Schindler Orchestra,
Harry Reser Eskimos,
Hoagy Carmichael Orchestra,
International Novelty Orchestra,
Ken Darby Singers,
Nat Shilkret Orchestra,
Olive Oyl Orchestra,
Paul Whiteman Orchestra,
Raymond Scott Quintet,
Victor Young Orchestra