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Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007
Ballard, RobertD.
Ballard, RobertD.
Can, A
Coleman, D
Durbin, M
Eustice, R
Foley, B
Giangrande, C
Gregory, T
Horlings, R
Howland, J
McBride, K
Newman, J
Piechota, D
Pizarro, O
Roman, C
Singh, H
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Webster, S
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Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, [2021]
Albin Matson, G
Comas, Juan
Duggins, Oliver H
Dávalos Hurtado, Eusebio
Faulhaber, Johanna
Genovés, Santiago Τ
Newman, Marshall T
Roberts, D. F
Romano, Arturo
Romero, Javier
Scrimshaw, Nevin S
Stewart, T. D
Stewart, T. Dale
Tejada, Carlos
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Wauchope, Robert
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Austin: University of Texas Press, [2021]
Botne, RobertD
Childs, G. Tucker
Claudi, Ulrike
Cobler, Mark
Drogo, Joseph
Déchaine, Rose-Marie
Filipovich, S
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Hualde, José I
Inkelas, Sharon
Junaidu, Ismail
Kebede, Ishetu
Leben, William R
Levergood, Barbara
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Newman, Paul
Peterson, Karen
Schaefer, Ronald P
Schuh, Russell G
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Singler, John Victor
Sonaiya, Remi
Spitulnik, Debra
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2021]
Published in:Publications in African Languages and Linguistics ; 8
Alvarado, Alejandro Sánchez
Arthur, Wallace
Bolker, Jessica A
Bonner, John Tyler
Brakefield, Paul M
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Budd, Graham E
Burian, Richard M
Burke, Anne C
Carlson, Bruce M
Collazo, Andres
De Ricqlès, Armand
Galis, Frietson
Gass, Gillian L
Gerhart, John
Gilbert, Scott F
Gottlieb, Gilbert
Guralnick, Robert P
Hall, Brian K
Hall, Brian K
Hallgrímsson, Benedikt
Hanken, James
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Herring, Susan W
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Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, [2022]
Published in:Harvard University Press Reference Library
Alatorre, Lisa Marie
Ali, Bilal Mafundi
Ali, Bilal
Alvarado, Pablo
Avila, Veronica
Bix, Jonathan
Breckwich Vásquez, Victoria
Bush, Diane E.
Bush, Diane
Chidester, Robert C
Elliott, Robert
Fletes-Romo, Christina
Fox, Carly
Friedenbach, Jennifer
Fuentes, Rebecca
Gadsby, David A
Greenbaum, Susan D.
Greenbaum, Susan D.
Herring, Chris
Heyman, Rich
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New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, [2020]
Abruzzo, Todd A.
Adel, Joseph G.
Albuquerque, Felipe C.
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Awad, Issam A.
Barrow, Daniel L.
Bebawy, John F.
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Brasiliense, Leonardo B.C
Cawley, Charles M.
Chaudhary, Neeraj
Dabus, Guilherme
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Dannenbaum, Mark
Dashti, Reza
Day, Arthur L.
Dechant, Valerie
Derdeyn, Colin P.
Dhar, Rajat
Bendok, Bernard R.
Naidech, Andrew M.
Walker, Matthew T.
Batjer, Hunt
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Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag, 2012
Abich, H.
Adie, R.
Airy, G. B.
Allan, R.
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Die Fortschritte der Physik im Jahre ; 1856, Jahrgang 12
Kong, Xiang-Zhen
Francks, Clyde
Allen, Nicholas B.
Heslenfeld, Dirk
Hester, Robert
Hibar, Derrek Paul
Ho, Beng-Choon
Ho, Tiffany C.
Hoekstra, Pieter J.
Holst, Ruth J.
Hoogman, Martine
Høvik, Marie F.
Howells, Fleur M.
Ames, David
Hugdahl, Kenneth
Huyser, Chaim
Ingvar, Martin
Ishikawa, Akari
James, Anthony
Jahanshad, Neda
Jernigan, Terry L.
Jönsson, Erik G
Kaleda, Vasily
Kelly, Clare