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Quaroni, Ivan [Editor]; Piccolo, Steve [Translator]Pittoi d'Italia : Giovani, giovanissimi .. anzi maiuriClose
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Cooke, Steven J.; Lynch, Abigail J.; Piccolo, John J.; Olden, Julian D.; Reid, Andrea J.; Ormerod, Steve J.Stewardship and management of freshwater ecosystems: From Leopold's land ethic to a freshwater ethicView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31 (2021) 6, Seite 1499-1511
Franca Zuccoli; Alessandra De Nicola; Anita Bacigalupo; Paola Boccaletti; Giulia Carolì; Gak Sato; Chiara Monetti; Carlotta Montebello; Steve Piccolo; Amelia Silvestri#exploreART: il labirinto di A. Pomodoro e i bambini. Un progetto di fruizione condivisa con percorsi sensoriali partecipatiView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Geography Notebooks, 4 (2021) 1, Seite 179-188
Saussele, Susanne; Hoffmann, Verena; Lindörfer, Doris; Hochhaus, Andreas; Cervantes, Francisco; Ossenkoppele, Gert; Hjorth-Hansen, Henrik; O'Brien, Steve; Mayer, Jiri; Indrak, Karel; Hellmann, Andrzej; Colita, Adriana; Turkina, Anna; Zaritskey, Andrey; Steegmann, Juan Luis; Marin, David; Pfirrmann, Markus; Baccarani, Michele; Guilhot, Joelle; Hasford, Joerg; Piccolo, Carmen; Simonsson, Bengt; Hehlmann, Rüdiger; Rosti, GianantonioOutcome of Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia After Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Europe; Data From the EUTOS for CML RegistryView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Blood, 118 (2011) 21, Seite 1688-1688
Tumasyan, Armen; Adam, Wolfgang; Andrejkovic, Janik Walter; Bergauer, Thomas; Chatterjee, Suman; Dragicevic, Marko; Escalante Del Valle, Alberto; Fruehwirth, Rudolf; Jeitler, Manfred; Krammer, Natascha; Lechner, Lukas; Liko, Dietrich; Mikulec, Ivan; Paulitsch, Peter; Pitters, Florian Michael; Schieck, Jochen; Schöfbeck, Robert; Spanring, Markus; Templ, Sebastian; Waltenberger, Wolfgang; Wulz, Claudia-Elisabeth; Chekhovsky, Vladimir; Litomin, Aliaksandr; Makarenko, Vladimir; [...]A new calibration method for charm jet identification validated with proton-proton collision events at √s = 13 TeVView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Journal of Instrumentation, 17 (2022) 3, Seite P03014
Dönmez, A Eylül; Goswami, Aakansha Giri; Raheja, Aashna; Bhadani, Aayush; El Kady, Abd Elrahman Safwat; Alniemi, Abdalaziz; Awad, Abdalkarim; Aladl, Abdalla; Younis, Abdalla; Alwali, Abdallah; Khalil, Abdallah; Mansour, Abdallah; Elkhouly, Abdallah Mohamed; Rashad Temerik, Abdallah; Hasan, Abdallatef; Chied, Abdelhafid; Abdraba, Abdelhamid; Hrora, Abdelmalek; Abdelshafi, Abdelrahman; Alwali, Abdelrahman; Maraqa, Abdelrahman; Ghaffar, Abdul; Chekfa, Abdul Jabar; Al Balushi, Abdul Majeed; [...]Access to and quality of elective care: a prospective cohort study using hernia surgery as a tracer condition in 83 countriesView onlineSchließen
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Published in: The Lancet Global Health, 12 (2024) 7, Seite e1094-e1103