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  1. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer] ; Marcon, Andrea [Conductor]; Feuersinger, Miriam [Singer]; Blažíková, Hana [Singer]; Mena, Carlos [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Berndt, Tobias [Singer] La Cetra Barockorchester Basel, La Cetra Vokalensemble

    Mass in B minor (2 CD)

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    [Europa]: La Cetra Basel, under exclusive licence to Outhere Music France, [2024]

  2. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer] ; Keel, Meinrad [Director]; Lutz, Rudolf [Musical director]; Mauch, Monika [Singer]; Börner, Jan [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Volpert, Markus [Singer]; Horn, Karen [Speaker] J.S. Bach-Stiftung Orchester, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Ihr, die ihr euch von Christo nennet : BWV 164 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J.S. Bach-Stiftung, [2017] ; St. Gallen: GALLUS MEDIA AG, [2017]

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 164

  3. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer] ; Keel, Meinrad [Director]; Lutz, Rudolf [Musical director]; Wagner, Julia Sophie [Singer]; Wey, Terry [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Mertens, Klaus [Singer]; Soiron, Rolf [Speaker] J.S. Bach-Stiftung Chor, J.S. Bach-Stiftung Orchester, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Freue dich, erlöste Schar : BWV 30 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J.S. Bach-Stiftung, [2016] ; St. Gallen: GALLUS MEDIA AG, [2016]

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 30

  4. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer] ; Keel, Meinrad [Director]; Lutz, Rudolf [Musical director]; Blažíková, Hana [Singer]; Oitzinger, Margot [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Friedrich, Wolf Matthias [Singer]; Wipfler, Judith [Speaker] J.S. Bach-Stiftung Chor, J.S. Bach-Stiftung Orchester, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Herz und Mund und tat und Leben : BWV 147 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J.S. Bach-Stiftung, [2016] ; St. Gallen: GALLUS MEDIA AG, [2016]

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 147

  5. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer] ; Keel, Meinrad [Director]; Lutz, Rudolf [Musical director]; Seitter-Frei, Susanne [Singer]; Börner, Jan [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Friedrich, Wolf Matthias [Singer]; Stirnemann, Stefan [Speaker] J.S. Bach-Stiftung Orchester, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Meine Seufzer, meine Tränen : BWV 13 (1 DVD-Video)



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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, [2015] ; St. Gallen: GALLUS MEDIA AG, [2015]

    Published in: Bach, Johann Sebastian: Bach erlebt. ; 13

  6. Monteverdi, Claudio [Composer]; Uccellini, Marco [Composer]; Merula, Tarquinio [Composer]; Marini, Biagio [Composer] ; Kožená, Magdalena [Singer]; Prohaska, Anna [Singer]; Feldman, David [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Feyfar, Michael [Singer]; Tittoto, Luca [Singer]; Marcon, Andrea [Conductor] La Cetra Barockorchester Basel

    Monteverdi (1 CD)

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    Berlin: Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, [2016]

    Published in: Archiv-Produktion

  7. Monteverdi, Claudio [Composer] ; Halubek, Jörg [Conductor]; Dantcheva, Alena [Singer]; Schnur, Natasha [Singer]; Gavagnin, Andrea [Singer]; Klumpp, Ophelia [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Römer, Michael [Singer]; Szigetvári, Dávid [Singer]; Weiss, Johannes [Singer]; Abadie, Lisandro [Singer]; Buffière, Geoffroy [Singer] Il gusto barocco e.V

    Vespro della Beata vergine (1 CD)

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    Georgsmarienhütte: cpo, © 2020

  8. Schelle, Johann [Composer] ; Mauch, Monika [Singer]; Arbouz, Myriam [Singer]; Dijkhuizen, Marian [Singer]; Poplutz, Georg [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Spogis, Raimonds [Singer]; Willens, Michael Alexander [Conductor]; Winkler, Klaus [Writer of supplementary textual content] Concerto Palatino Musikgruppe, Kölner Akademie

    Actus Musicus auf Weyh-Nachten : christmas cantatas (1 CD)

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    Georgsmarienhütte: cpo, [2017]

  9. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer] ; Lutz, Rudolf [Conductor]; Lutz, Rudolf [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Gaigg, Michi [Instrumentalist]; Sandhoff, Ruth [Singer]; Pfeifer, Julius [Singer]; Mauch, Monika [Singer]; Börner, Jan [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Volpert, Markus [Singer]; Hofbauer, Ulrike [Singer]; Bill, Elvira [Singer]; Wörner, Dominik [Singer]; Hartinger, Anselm [Writer of supplementary textual content] J.S. Bach-Stiftung, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Kantaten / No. 23 (1 CD)

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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, [2018]

    Published in: Kantaten / Bach ; 23

  10. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer] ; Lutz, Rudolf [Conductor]; Lutz, Rudolf [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Hartinger, Anselm [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Blažíková, Hana [Singer]; Doyle, Julia [Singer]; Potter, Alex [Singer]; Oitzinger, Margot [Singer]; Bill, Elvira [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Pfeifer, Julius [Singer]; Friedrich, Wolf Matthias [Singer]; Flaig, Markus [Singer]; Noack, Sebastian [Singer]; Börner, Jan [Singer] J.S. Bach-Stiftung, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Kantaten / No. 29 (1 CD)

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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, [2019]

    Published in: Kantaten / Bach ; 29

  11. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer] ; Lutz, Rudolf [Conductor]; Lutz, Rudolf [Instrumentalist]; Lutz, Rudolf [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Forster, Markus [Singer]; Johannsen, Daniel [Singer]; Friedrich, Wolf Matthias [Singer]; Seitter-Frei, Susanne [Singer]; Börner, Jan [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Irányi, Stephanie [Singer]; Weller, Andreas [Singer]; Hartinger, Anselm [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Godel, Arthur [Writer of supplementary textual content] J.S. Bach-Stiftung, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Kantaten / No. 13 (1 CD)

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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, [2015]

    Published in: Kantaten / Bach ; 13

  12. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer] ; Lutz, Rudolf [Conductor]; Lutz, Rudolf [Instrumentalist]; Lutz, Rudolf [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Wagner, Julia Sophie [Singer]; Wey, Terry [Singer]; Pilgram, Jakob [Singer]; Mertens, Klaus [Singer]; Doyle, Julia [Singer]; Potter, Alex [Singer]; Daniels, Charles [Singer]; Harvey, Peter [Singer]; Hartinger, Anselm [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Godel, Arthur [Writer of supplementary textual content] J.S. Bach-Stiftung, J.S. Bach-Stiftung

    Kantaten / No. 16 (1 CD)

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    St. Gallen: J. S. Bach-Stiftung, [2016]

    Published in: Kantaten / Bach ; 16

  13. Struve, Burkhard Gotthelf [Author] ; Wedel, Georg Wolfgang [Contributor]; Wedel, Georg Wolfgang [Other]; Renner, Kaspar Friedrich [Other]; Nolcken, Erich von [Other]; Postolski, Conrad Siegmund [Other]; Brunquell, Johann Salomo [Other]; Hackelberg, Georg Jacob von [Other]; Münchhausen, Philipp Adolph von [Other]; Gschwend, Johann David [Other]; Brunner, Johann Julius [Other]; Block, Justus Heinrich von [Other]; Fürer, Christoph [Other]; Krügner, Johann Gottfried [Contributor]; Krügner, Johann Gottfried [Other]; Münchhausen, Hilmar von [Other]; Ziegler, Wilhelm Gottlob von [Other]; Patrick, Hermann Bernhard [Other]; Engelbach, Johann Philipp [Other]; Gülchen, Johann Ludwig Hubin von [Other]; Pelcke, Georg Heinrich von [Other]; Rehdiger, Carl Ernst von [Other]; Ponickau, Johann Fabian Gottlob von [Other]; Schmid, Johann Christian [Other]; Slevogt, Gottlieb [Other]; [...]

    Burcardi Gotthelffii Struvii Syntagma Historiae Germanicae : A Prima Gentis Origine Ad Annum Usque MDCCXVI. Ex Genuinis Historiarum Documentis, Et Coaevorum Scriptorum Monumentis Illustratum

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    Ienae: Bielcke, 1716

  14. Sennert, Daniel [Author] ; Bachoven von Echt, Johannes [Other]; Rosecranzius, Oligerus [Dedicatee]; Wier, Johannes [Other]; Lange, Johann [Other]; Taubmannus, Fridericus [Contributor]; Schürer, Zacharias [Printer]; Fincelius, Hiob Wilhelm [Printer]

    De Scorbuto Tractatus Danielis Sennerti, Vratislaviensis, Silesii, D. : Cui accesserunt eiusdem argumenti Tractatus & Epistolae Balduini Ronssei, Johannis Echthii, Johannis Wieri, Johannis Langii, Salomonis Alberti, Matthaei Martini

    Wittebergae: Schurerus, 1624 ; Wittebergae: Fincelius, 1624

  15. Goclenius, Rudolph [Other]; Fludd, Robert [Other]; Roberti, Jean [Other]; Servius, Petrus [Other]; Kircher, Athanasius [Other]; Matthaeus, Johann [Other]; Sennert, Daniel [Other]; Wechtler, Johann Conrad [Other]; Nardi, Giovanni [Other]; Freitag, Johann [Other]; Conring, Hermann [Other]; Digby, Kenelm [Other]; Fracastoro, Girolamo [Other]; Rattray, Sylvester [Other]; Wecker, Hieronymus [Other]; Bürlein, Jacob [Other]; Strauß, Lorenz [Other]; Papin, Nicolas [Other]; Mohyus, Erycius [Other]; Helmont, Jan Baptista van [Other]; Beckher, Daniel [Other]; Borel, Pierre [Other]; Bartholin, Thomas [Other]

    Theatrum Sympatheticum Auctum : exhibens Varios Authores De Pulvere Sympathetico, quidem Digbaeum, Straussium, Papinium Et Mohyum; De Unguento vero Armario: Goclenium, ... - [Editio novissima, correctior, auctior, multisque parasangis melior]

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    Norimberga: Endter, 1662

  16. Pilgram, Johann [Author] ; Bärwald, Zacharias [Printer]

    Enkōmion Administrationis Anatomicae, Vtilitates Eiusdem breuissime complectens, Heroico carmine contextum$Ha Johanne Pilgramo, Strelensi Silesio

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    [Leipzig]: [Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig], [2018]

  17. Pilgram, Johann Sigmund [Author] ; Monath, Johann Georg [Publisher]; Monath, Johann Georg [Distributor]; Nunzer, Andreas [Contributor]

    Sieben Predigten über Das Leyden und Sterben unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi : wie solches von dem H. Evangelisten Johanne ist beschrieben worden

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    Franckfurt und Leipzig: zu finden in dem Monatischen Buchladen, 1736 ; Online-Ausgabe, Stuttgart: Württembergische Landesbibliothek, 2022