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  1. Kobakov, Todor [Composer]; London, Steve [Composer] ; Budreau, Robert [Film director]; Budreau, Robert [Screenwriter]; Hawke, Ethan [Actor]; Ejogo, Carmen [Actor]; Rennie, Callum Keith [Actor]

    Born to be blue (1 DVD-Video)



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    [München]: Alamode Film, [2017]

    Published in: AL!VE

  2. Jeunet, Jean-Pierre [Other]; Bonham Carter, Helena [Other]; Davis, Judy [Other]; Rennie, Callum Keith [Other]; Larsen, Reif [Other]; Laurant, Guillaume [Other]; Hardmeier, Thomas [Other]; Sanacore, Denis [Other]

    Die Karte meiner Träume (1 DVD-Video)



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    Berlin: DCM Film Distribution GmbH [u.a.], 2014

  3. Aad, Georges; Abbott, Brad; Abbott, Dale Charles; Abed Abud, Adam; Abeling, Kira; Abhayasinghe, Deshan Kavishka; Abidi, Syed Haider; Aboulhorma, Asmaa; Abramowicz, Halina; Abreu, Henso; Abulaiti, Yiming; Abusleme Hoffman, Angel Christian; Acharya, Bobby Samir; Achkar, Baida; Adam, Lennart; Adam Bourdarios, Claire; Adamczyk, Leszek; Adamek, Lukas; Addepalli, Sagar Vidya; Adelman, Jahred; Adiguzel, Aytul; Adorni, Sofia; Adye, Tim; Affolder, Anthony Allen; [...]

    Operation and performance of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker in LHC Run 2

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    IOP Publishing, 2022

    Published in: Journal of Instrumentation, 17 (2022) 1, Seite P01013