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München: Sony Music Entertainment, c 2013
Plumb, Edward H.
Smith, Paul J.
Roberts, Bill
[Film director];
Luske, Hamilton S.
[Film director];
Jackson, Wilfred
[Film director]
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London: Thomas Telford Publications, 2006
Sturges, John
Brynner, Yul
Wallach, Eli
McQueen, Steve
Roberts, Bill
Lang, Charles
Bernstein, Elmer
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Frankfurt/Main: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2006
[S.l.]: United Artists, 2006
Sturges, John
Brynner, Yul
Wallach, Eli
McQueen, Steve
Roberts, Bill
Lang, Charles
Bernstein, Elmer
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[s.l.]: United Artists, c 1990
Published in:Warner Home Video
Howard, James Newton
Roth, Joe
[Film director];
Roberts, Julia
Crystal, Billy
Crystal, Billy
Zeta-Jones, Catherine
Cusack, John
Tolan, Peter