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Rutherford [N.J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, c1976
Devlin, Lucinda
Breidenbach, Susanne
Dennis, Jerry
[Writer of supplementary textual content];
Firer, Susan
[Writer of supplementary textual content];
Sherman, Tom
[Writer of supplementary textual content];
Skutar, Claudia
[Writer of supplementary textual content]
MacQueen, Hector
Brown, Alastair N
Cullen, Peter J
Drage, John
Gilmore, William C
Jack, Robert B
MacQueen, Hector L
Sherman, Tom
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Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, [2022]
Published in:Hume Papers on Public Policy ; HPPP
Smart, Alan
Rosa, Brian
Rosa, Brian
Lindner, Christoph
Lindner, Christoph
Patrick, Darren
Sherman, Danya
Wesselman, Daan
Brash, Julian
Corner, James
Loughran, Kevin
Millington, Nate
Birge-Liberman, Phil
Larson, Scott
Baker, Tom