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[S.l.]: BBC [u.a.], 1992
Published in:Musica
Einaudi, Ludovico
Campiotti, Giacomo
[Film director];
Knightley, Keira
Matheson, Hans
Lara, Alexandra Maria
Neill, Sam
Pasternak, Boris Leonidovič
Davies, Andrew
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[S.l.], 20XX-
Campiotti, Giacomo
Knightley, Keira
Matheson, Hans
Lara, Alexandra Maria
Pasternak, Boris Leonidovič
Davies, Andrew
Giurato, Blasco
Einaudi, Ludovico
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[S.l.]: SSRN, [2020]
Binley, Andrew
Hubbard, Susan S.
Huisman, Johan A.
Revil, André
Robinson, David A.
Singha, Kamini
Slater, Lee D.
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AGU, 2015
Published in:Water resources research 51(6), 3837 - 3866 (2015). doi:10.1002/2015WR017016
Beck, Martin
Browne, James
Campbell, Ross
Crawford, Rowena
Elming, William
Emmerson, Carl
Goodwin, Andrew
Hodgkinson, Robert
Hood, Andrew
Joyce, Robert
Levell, Peter
Miller, Helen
O'Connell, Martin
Pope, Thomas
Slater, Adam
Smith, Kate
Tetlow, Gemma
Wheatcroft, Martin
Payne, Judith
Emmerson, Carl
Johnson, Paul
Joyce, Robert
Briggs, Andrew M.
Persaud, Jennifer G.
Deverell, Marie L.
Bunzli, Samantha
Tampin, Brigitte
Sumi, Yuka
Amundsen, Olav
Houlding, Elizabeth M.G
Cardone, Anontella
Hugosdottir, Thora
Rogers, Sophia
Pozsgai, Miklós
Slater, Helen
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Osnabrück: Hochschule Osnabrück, 2019
von Schuckmann, Karina
Miniere, Audrey
Gues, Flora
Cuesta-Valero, Francisco José
Kirchengast, Gottfried
Adusumilli, Susheel
Straneo, Fiammetta
Allan, Richard
Barker, Paul M.
Beltrami, Hugo
Boyer, Tim
Cheng, Lijing
Church, John
Desbruyeres, Damien
Dolman, Han
Domingues, Catia M.
García-García, Almudena
Giglio, Donata
Gilson, John E.
Gorfer, Maximilian
Haimberger, Leopold
Hendricks, Stefan
Hosoda, Shigeki
Johnson, Gregory C.