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  1. Stewart, Bernard W. [Editor]; Kleihues, Paul [Editor] ; International Agency for Research on Cancer, Weltgesundheitsorganisation

    World cancer report

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    Lyon: IARC Press, 2003

  2. Haykel, Bernard [Other]; Hefner, Robert W. [Other]; Qāḍī, Wadād al- [Other]; Kuran, Timur [Other]; McAuliffe, Jane [Other]; Mirza, Mahan [Other]; Moosa, Ebrahim [Other]; Stewart, Devin J. [Other]; Zaman, Muhammad Qasim [Other]; Griffel, Frank [Other]

    The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought

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    Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2013 ; 2013

  3. Alan, Ward [Contributor]; Albert, Wendt [Contributor]; August, Kituai [Contributor]; Bernard, Smith [Contributor]; Borofsky, Robert [Editor]; Brenda Luana, Machado Lee [Contributor]; Edward, Schieffelin [Contributor]; Epeli, Hau‘ofa [Contributor]; Grace Mera, Molisa [Contributor]; Greg, Dening [Contributor]; Helen, Morton [Contributor]; Hisafumi, Saito [Contributor]; James, Belich [Contributor]; Joseph, Balaz [Contributor]; Klaus, Neumann [Contributor]; Konai Helu, Thaman [Contributor]; Margaret, Jolly [Contributor]; Marshall, Sahlins [Contributor]; Michel, Panoff [Contributor]; Ngirakland, Malsol [Contributor]; Nicholas, Thomas [Contributor]; Patricia, Grace [Contributor]; Patricia, Grimshaw [Contributor]; Peter, Hempenstall [Contributor]; [...] ; Robert F. Borofsky

    Remembrance of Pacific Pasts : An Invitation to Remake History

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    Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, [2020] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

  4. Ansari, Hassan [Contributor]; Blois, François De [Contributor]; Bowersock, G. W. [Contributor]; Brentjes, Sonja [Contributor]; Brunner, Rainer [Contributor]; Debie, Muriel [Contributor]; El-Rouayheb, Khaled [Contributor]; Emon, Anver M. [Contributor]; Fassin, Didier [Contributor]; Feldman, Ilana [Contributor]; Fetvaci, Emine [Contributor]; Fierro, Maribel [Contributor]; Fowden, Garth [Contributor]; Gannagé, Emma [Contributor]; García-Arenal, Mercedes [Contributor]; Gershoni, Israel [Contributor]; Golden, Peter B. [Contributor]; Gonzalez, Valerie [Contributor]; Graf, David F. [Contributor]; Graves, Margaret S. [Contributor]; Griffel, Frank [Contributor]; Günther, Sebastian [Contributor]; Hamzic, Vanja [Contributor]; Hanley, Will [Contributor]; [...]

    Studying the Near and Middle East at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1935-2018

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    Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, [2018]

  5. Audain, Enrique [Author]; Wilsdon, Anna [Author]; Breckpot, Jeroen [Author]; Izarzugaza, Jose M. G. [Author]; Fitzgerald, Tomas W. [Author]; Kahlert, Anne-Karin [Author]; Sifrim, Alejandro [Author]; Wünnemann, Florian [Author]; Perez-Riverol, Yasset [Author]; Abdul-Khaliq, Hashim [Author]; Bak, Mads [Author]; Bassett, Anne S. [Author]; Benson, Woodrow D. [Author]; Berger, Felix [Author]; Daehnert, Ingo [Author]; Devriendt, Koenraad [Author]; Dittrich, Sven [Author]; Daubeney, Piers E. F. [Author]; Garg, Vidu [Author]; Hackmann, Karl [Author]; Hoff, Kirstin [Author]; Hofmann, Philipp [Author]; Dombrowsky, Gregor [Author]; Pickardt, Thomas [Author]; [...]

    Integrative analysis of genomic variants reveals new associations of candidate haploinsufficient genes with congenital heart disease

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    Published in: Public Library of Science: PLoS Genetics ; 17(2021), 7, Artikel-ID 1009679, Seite 1-24

  6. Altomare, Daniele [Author]; Barkhof, Frederik [Author]; Moro, Christian [Author]; Cufi, Marie-Noëlle [Author]; Dardenne, Sophie [Author]; de Arriba, Maria [Author]; de Costa Luis, Casper [Author]; de Gier, Yvonne [Author]; de Verbizier Lonjon, Delphine [Author]; Dekker, Veronique [Author]; Dekyndt, Bérengère [Author]; Delbeuck, Xavier [Author]; Delrieu, Julien [Author]; Demonet, Jean-François [Author]; Deramecourt, Vincent [Author]; Desclaux, Françoise [Author]; Diaz, Carlos [Author]; Diego, Susana [Author]; Djafar, Mehdi [Author]; Dölle, Britta [Author]; Doull, Laura [Author]; Dricot, Laurence [Author]; Drzezga, Alexander [Author]; Payoux, Pierre [Author]; [...]

    Clinical Effect of Early vs Late Amyloid Positron Emission Tomography in Memory Clinic Patients

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    American Medical Association, 2023

    Published in: JAMA neurology 80(6), 548 - (2023). doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.0997

  7. Stewart, Bernard W.

    Chemically-induced DNA damage

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    Elsevier BV, 1980

    Published in: Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects, 74 (1980) 5, Seite 416

  8. Grasby, Katrina L [Author]; Jahanshad, Neda [Author]; Shatokhina, Natalia [Author]; Mirza-Schreiber, Nazanin [Author]; Moreira, Jose C V [Author]; Mühleisen, Thomas W [Author]; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram [Author]; Najt, Pablo [Author]; Nakahara, Soichiro [Author]; Nho, Kwangsik [Author]; Olde Loohuis, Loes M [Author]; Orfanos, Dimitri Papadopoulos [Author]; Pearson, John F [Author]; Zsembik, Leo C P [Author]; Pitcher, Toni L [Author]; Pütz, Benno [Author]; Quidé, Yann [Author]; Ragothaman, Anjanibhargavi [Author]; Rashid, Faisal M [Author]; Reay, William R [Author]; Redlich, Ronny [Author]; Reinbold, Céline S [Author]; Repple, Jonathan [Author]; Richard, Geneviève [Author]; [...]

    The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex

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    Assoc.73085, 2020

    Published in: Science / Science now Science now 367(6484), 1340 (2020). doi:10.1126/science.aay6690