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  1. Schwabe, Willi [Moderator]; Schwabe, Willi [Actor]; Friedrichson, Eckart [Moderator]; Friedrichson, Eckart [Actor]; Thiele, Klaus-Peter [Actor]; Stückrath, Lutz [Actor] ; Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Armeefilmstudio der Nationalen Volksarmee

    Meister Nadelöhr und Pittiplatsch (1 DVD-Video)



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    Leipzig: UAP, [2014]

  2. Held, Olaf [Other]; Wiesbaum, Erik [Other]; Zoglauer, Lutz [Other]; Kegler, Sabine [Other]; Günther, Liane [Other]; Thiele, Bernd [Other] ; Calaveras Musikgruppe

    Duell in Griesbach (1 DVD-R)



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    Chemnitz: Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt, 2006

  3. Held, Olaf [Other]; Wiesbaum, Erik [Other]; Zoglauer, Lutz [Other]; Kegler, Sabine [Other]; Günther, Liane [Other]; Thiele, Bernd [Other] ; Calaveras Musikgruppe

    Duell in Griesbach (1 Videokassette)



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    Chemnitz: Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt, [ca. 2006]

  4. Sasse, Karl-Ernst [Composer] ; Bär, Rainer [Film director]; Bär, Rainer [Screenwriter]; Pas, Karin [Costume designer]; Mülders-Noske, Renate [Contributor]; Pätzmann, Sven [Contributor]; Reichel, Hans W. [Film producer]; Woska, Rudolf [Recordist]; Schubert, Götz [Actor]; Thiele, Klaus-Peter [Actor]; Marian, Michèle [Actor]; Terne, Johannes [Actor]; Mellies, Otto [Actor]; Wyzniewski, Arno [Actor]; Ortmann, Wilfried [Actor]; Alexander, Fred [Actor]; Legal, Marga [Actor]; Clas, Johanna [Actor]; Kalisch, Peter [Actor]; Dissel, Werner [Actor]; Margo, Günter [Actor]; Jaster, Gudrun [Actor]; Blochberger, Lutz [Actor]; Müller, Solveig [Actor]; Rühmann, Thomas [Actor]; [...]

    Der Geisterseher - [Digital restauriert] (1 DVD-Video)



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    [Hamburg]: Studio Hamburg Enterprises GmbH, [2018]

    Published in: DDR-TV-Archiv ; Film

  5. Pautsch, Arne [Author]; Hoffmann, Lutz [Author]; Heinemann, Daniela [Author]; Heinemann, Manuel J. [Author]; Thiele, Alexander [Author]; Uschkereit, Tim [Author] ; Pautsch, Arne [Editor]; Hoffmann, Lutz [Editor] Erich Schmidt Verlag

    VwVfG : Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz Kommentar - [2., neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage]

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    Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co, 2021

    Published in: Berliner Kommentare

  6. Heyne, Lutz [Author]; Rhensius, Jan [Author]; Ilgaz, Dennis [Author] ; Bisig, André [Other]; Rüdiger, Ulrich [Other]; Kläui, Mathias [Other]; Joly, Loic [Other]; Nolting, Frithjof [Other]; Heyderman, Laura J. [Other]; Thiele, Jan-Ulrich [Other]; Kronast, Florian [Other]

    Direct determination of large Spin-Torque nonadiabaticity in Vortex Core Dynamics

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    Konstanz: Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2010

  7. Thiele, Lisa [Author]; Kulikov, Sabine [Author]; Unger, Gabriel [Author]; Krentz, Ottomar [Author]; Sonnabend, Lutz [Author]; Köhler, Johannes [Author]; Seidel, Elisabeth [Author]; Kycl, Petr [Author]; Rapprich, Vladislav [Author]; Franěk, Jan [Author] ; Thiele, Lisa [Editor]; Kulikov, Sabine [Editor]; Unger, Gabriel [Editor]; Görz, Ines [Editor] Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie

    Geologische Untersuchungen an der Neubaustrecke Dresden-Prag : geologische Untersuchungen an der Eisenbahn-Neubaustrecke Dresden-Prag (2011 - 2020)

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    Dresden: Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie (LfULG), 2021

    Published in: Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie: Schriftenreihe des Landesamtes für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie ; 2021,04

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  8. Moore, Thomas Arthur [Author]; Möhrke, Philipp [Author]; Heyne, Lutz [Author] ; Kaldun, Andreas [Other]; Mentes, Tevfik Onur [Other]; Niño, Miguel Ángel [Other]; Locatelli, Andrea [Other]; Potenza, Alessandro [Other]; Marchetto, Helder [Other]; Cavill, Stuart [Other]; Dhesi, Sarnjeet S. [Other]; Kläui, Mathias [Other]; Backes, Dirk [Other]; Rhensius, Jan [Other]; Heyderman, Laura J. [Other]; Thiele, Jan-Ulrich [Other]; Woltersdorf, Georg [Other]; Fraile Rodríguez, Arantxa [Other]; Nolting, Frithjof [Other]

    Magnetic-field-induced domain-wall motion in permalloy nanowires with modified Gilbert damping

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    Konstanz: Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2010

  9. Moore, Thomas Arthur [Author]; Kläui, Mathias [Author]; Heyne, Lutz [Author] ; Möhrke, Philipp [Other]; Nolting, Frithjof [Other]; Mentes, Tevfik Onur [Other]; Niño, Miguel Ángel [Other]; Locatelli, Andrea [Other]; Potenza, A. [Other]; Marchetto, Helder [Other]; Cavill, Stuart [Other]; Dhesi, Sarnjeet S. [Other]; Backes, Dirk [Other]; Rhensius, Jan [Other]; Rüdiger, Ulrich [Other]; Heyderman, Laura J. [Other]; Thiele, J.-U [Other]; Woltersdorf, Georg [Other]; Back, Christian H. [Other]; Fraile Rodríguez, Arantxa [Other]

    Scaling of spin relaxation and angular momentum dissipation in permalloy nanowires

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    Konstanz: Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2009

  10. Karlsson, Anneli S. [Author]; Lesch, Michael [Author]; Weihermüller, Lutz [Author]; Thiele, Björn [Author]; Disko, Ulrich [Author]; Hofmann, Diana [Author]; Vereecken, Harry [Author]; Spielvogel, Sandra [Author]

    Pesticide contamination of the upper Elbe River and an adjacent floodplain area

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    Springer, 2020

    Published in: Journal of soils and sediments 20(4), 2067 - 2081 (2020). doi:10.1007/s11368-020-02571-w

  11. Thiele, Julia [Author]; Wiehe, Julia [Author]; Gauglitz, Philip [Author]; Pape, Carsten [Author]; Lohr, Clemens [Author]; Bensmann, Astrid [Author]; Hanke-Rauschenbach, Richard [Author]; Kluß, Leonard [Author]; Hofmann, Lutz [Author]; Kraschewski, Tobias [Author]; Breitner, Michael H. [Author]; Demuth, Bernd [Author]; Vayhinger, Eva [Author]; Heiland, Stefan [Author]; von Haaren, Christina [Author]

    Konkretisierung von Ansatzpunkten einer naturverträglichen Ausgestaltung der Energiewende, mit Blick auf strategische Stellschrauben : “Naturverträgliche Ausgestaltung der Energiewende“ (EE100-konkret)

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    Bonn: Bundesamt für Naturschutz, 2021

    Published in: BfN-Skripten ; 614

  12. Kühn, Timo [Author]; Altmikus, Andree [Author]; Daboul, Hussam [Author]; Radi, Alexander [Author]; Raasch, Siegfried [Author]; Knigge, Christoph [Author]; Böske, Lennart [Author]; Schwarz, Thorsten [Author]; Heister, Christoph [Author]; Langer-Möller, Annika [Author]; Lutz, Thorsten [Author]; Weihing, Pascal [Author]; Schulz, Christoph [Author]; Thiemeier, Jakob [Author]; Mockett, Charles [Author]; Fuchs, Marian [Author]; Thiele, Frank [Author]

    Results of the research project AssiSt

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    Hannover: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2018 ; Hannover: Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), 2018

    Published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series ; 1037 (2018), Nr. 2, 22040

  13. Kühn, Timo [Author]; Altmikus, Andree [Author]; Daboul, Hussam [Author]; Radi, Alexander [Author]; Raasch, Siegfried [Author]; Knigge, Christoph [Author]; Böske, Lennart [Author]; Schwarz, Thorsten [Author]; Heister, Christoph [Author]; Langer-Möller, Annika [Author]; Lutz, Thorsten [Author]; Weihing, Pascal [Author]; Schulz, Christoph [Author]; Thiemeier, Jakob [Author]; Mockett, Charles [Author]; Fuchs, Marian [Author]; Thiele, Frank [Author]

    Results of the research project AssiSt - [published Version]

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    Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2018

    Published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1037 (2018), Nr. 2

  14. Birgit, Arrhenius [Contributor]; Christian, Pilet [Contributor]; Clausdieter, Schott [Contributor]; George, Speake [Contributor]; Gerd, Tellenbach [Contributor]; Hauck, Karl [Editor]; Herwig, Wolfram [Contributor]; Jan, Peder Lamm [Contributor]; Jan, Prelog [Contributor]; Kurt, Baldinger [Contributor]; Lotte, Motz [Contributor]; Lutz, Von Padberg [Contributor]; Marie, Luise Bulst-Thiele [Contributor]; Peter, Northover [Contributor]; Ruth, Schmidt-Wiegand [Contributor]; Sonia, Chadwick Hawkes [Contributor]; Thorsten, Andersson [Contributor]; Torsten, Capelle [Contributor]; Wolfgang, Kleiber [Contributor]

    Frühmittelalterliche Studien : Band 13 - [Reprint 2019]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2020] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Frühmittelalterliche Studien ; Band 13

  15. Karlsson, Anneli S. [Author]; Lesch, Michael [Author]; Weihermüller, Lutz [Author]; Thiele, Björn [Author]; Disko, Ulrich [Author]; Hofmann, Diana [Author]; Vereecken, Harry [Author]; Spielvogel, Sandra [Author]; Institute of Soil Science, Christian-Albrechts University Kiel, Kiel, Germany [Author]; Landwirtschaftlech Kooperatioun Uewersauer, Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg [Author]; Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, IBG-3, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany [Author]

    Pesticide contamination of the upper Elbe River and an adjacent floodplain area

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    Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020-02-06

  16. Anzt, Hartwig [Author]; Bach, Felix [Author]; Druskat, Stephan [Author]; Löffler, Frank [Author]; Loewe, Axel [Author]; Renard, Bernhard Y. [Author]; Seemann, Gunnar [Author]; Struck, Alexander [Author]; Achhammer, Elke [Author]; Aggarwal, Piush [Author]; Appel, Franziska [Author]; Bader, Michael [Author]; Brusch, Lutz [Author]; Busse, Christian [Author]; Chourdakis, Gerasimos [Author]; Dabrowski, Piotr Wojciech [Author]; Ebert, Peter [Author]; Flemisch, Bernd [Author]; Friedl, Sven [Author]; Fritzsch, Bernadette [Author]; Funk, Maximilian D. [Author]; Gast, Volker [Author]; Goth, Florian [Author]; Grad, Jean-Noël [Author]; [...]

    An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: Current state, open challenges, and call for action

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    Hannover: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2021 ; Hannover: Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), 2021

    Published in: F ; 1000Research 9 (2021), 295

  17. Anzt, Hartwig [Author]; Bach, Felix [Author]; Druskat, Stephan [Author]; Löffler, Frank [Author]; Loewe, Axel [Author]; Renard, Bernhard Y. [Author]; Seemann, Gunnar [Author]; Struck, Alexander [Author]; Achhammer, Elke [Author]; Aggarwal, Piush [Author]; Appel, Franziska [Author]; Bader, Michael [Author]; Brusch, Lutz [Author]; Busse, Christian [Author]; Chourdakis, Gerasimos [Author]; Dabrowski, Piotr Wojciech [Author]; Ebert, Peter [Author]; Flemisch, Bernd [Author]; Friedl, Sven [Author]; Fritzsch, Bernadette [Author]; Funk, Maximilian D. [Author]; Gast, Volker [Author]; Goth, Florian [Author]; Grad, Jean-Noël [Author]; [...]

    An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: current state, open challenges, and call for action

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    F1000Research, 2021-07-04

    Published in: F1000Research, 9, 295 ; ISSN: 2046-1402

  18. Anzt, Hartwig [Author]; Bach, Felix [Author]; Druskat, Stephan [Author]; Löffler, Frank [Author]; Loewe, Axel [Author]; Renard, Bernhard Y. [Author]; Seemann, Gunnar [Author]; Struck, Alexander [Author]; Achhammer, Elke [Author]; Aggarwal, Piush [Author]; Appel, Franziska [Author]; Bader, Michael [Author]; Brusch, Lutz [Author]; Busse, Christian [Author]; Chourdakis, Gerasimos [Author]; Dabrowski, Piotr Wojciech [Author]; Ebert, Peter [Author]; Flemisch, Bernd [Author]; Friedl, Sven [Author]; Fritzsch, Bernadette [Author]; Funk, Maximilian D. [Author]; Gast, Volker [Author]; Goth, Florian [Author]; Grad, Jean-Noël [Author]; [...]

    An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: Current state, open challenges, and call for action - [published Version]

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    London : F1000 Research Ltd, 2021

    Published in: F1000Research 9 (2021) ; F1000Research

  19. Anzt, Hartwig [Author]; Bach, Felix [Author]; Druskat, Stephan [Author]; Löffler, Frank [Author]; Loewe, Axel [Author]; Renard, Bernhard Y. [Author]; Seemann, Gunnar [Author]; Struck, Alexander [Author]; Achhammer, Elke [Author]; Aggarwal, Piush [Author]; Appel, Franziska [Author]; Bader, Michael [Author]; Brusch, Lutz [Author]; Busse, Christian [Author]; Chourdakis, Gerasimos [Author]; Dabrowski, Piotr Wojciech [Author]; Ebert, Peter [Author]; Flemisch, Bernd [Author]; Friedl, Sven [Author]; Fritzsch, Bernadette [Author]; Funk, Maximilian D. [Author]; Gast, Volker [Author]; Goth, Florian [Author]; Grad, Jean-Noël [Author]; [...]

    An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: current state, open challenges, and call for action

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    F1000Research, 2020-08-17

    Published in: F1000Research, 9, Article no: 295 ; ISSN: 2046-1402