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  1. Tormis, Veljo [Author] ; Kaljuste, Tõnu [Performer] Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor

    Litany to thunder (1 CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    München: ECM Records, P 1999

    Published in: ECM new series

  2. Tormis, Veljo [Composer] ; Cronvall, Aarno [Other]; Kaljuste, Tõnu [Performer] Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor

    Stimmen aus Estland = Voix d'Estonie (1 Videokassette)



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    [S.l.]: RM Associates [u.a.], 2002

    Published in: Maestro

  3. Tormis, Veljo [Author]

    Three preludes and fugues for piano

    Notated Music


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    [Helsinki]: Warner/Chappell Music, c 1995

  4. Tormis, Veljo [Author] ; Soots, Ants [Performer] Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor

    Vision of Estonia

    Sound Recordings


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    Tampere: Alba Records, 20XX-

  5. Tormis, Veljo [Other]; Sibelius, Jean [Other]; Kreek, Cyrillus [Other]; Bergman, Erik [Other]; Hillier, Paul [Performer] ; Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor

    Baltic runes (1 Super Audio CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    California: Harmonia Mundi, P 2010

  6. Koha, Jaan [Author] ; Eller, Heino [Other]; Tormis, Veljo [Other]; Järvi, Neeme [Performer]; Prohorov, S. [Performer] Eesti Raadio Tallinn Segakoor, Ėstonskaja SSR Komitet po Televideniju i Radioveščaniju Simfoničeskij Orkestr

    Laul Parteist (1 Schallpl)

    Sound Recordings


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    [S.l.]: Melodija, [ca. 1965]

  7. Kõrvits, Tõnu [Composer]; Tormis, Veljo [Composer]; Rummo, Paul-Eerik [Author]; Kangro, Maarja [Author]; Smuul, Juhan [Author] ; Kõrvits, Tõnu [Instrumentalist]; Kaljuste, Tõnu [Conductor]; Lechner, Anja [Instrumentalist]; Voorand, Kadri [Singer] Tallinna Kammerorkester, Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor

    Mirror (1 CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    München: ECM Records, [2016]

  8. Klas, Eri [Other]; Järvi, Neeme [Other]; Kangron, Tõnu [Other]; Tamberg, Eino [Other]; Rääts, Jaan [Other]; Kapp, Eugen [Other]; Tormis, Veljo [Other]; Ernesaks, Gustav [Other]; Maiste, Teo [Performer]; Erendi, Lemmo [Performer] ; Ėstonskaja SSR Komitet po Televideniju i Radioveščaniju Chor, Eesti Riiklik Sümfooniaorkester, Gosudarstvennyj Akademičeskij Mužskoj Chor Ėstonskoj SSR Tallin

    Music of Estonia (1 Schallpl)

    Sound Recordings


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    [S.l.]: Melodija, [ca. 1978]

  9. Garbarek, Jan [Other]; Tallis, Thomas [Other]; Tormis, Veljo [Other]; Dufay, Guillaume [Other]; Brumel, Antoine [Other]; Guillaume Le Rouge [Other]; Hildegard Bingen, Äbtissin, Heilige [Other]; Billings, William [Other]; Garbarek, Jan [Performer] ; The Hilliard Ensemble Musikgruppe

    Mnemosyne (2 CD in Box)

    Sound Recordings


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    München: ECM Records, P 1999

    Published in: ECM new series

  10. Kalinnikov, Viktor S. [Other]; Taneev, Sergej Ivanovič [Other]; Saar, Mart [Other]; Ernesaks, Gustav [Other]; Sjuda, P. [Other]; Džezualʹdo, K. [Other]; Tormis, Veljo [Other]; Naïssoo, Uno [Other]; Areng, Kuno [Performer]; Ratassepp, Arvo [Performer]; Juleoja, Ants [Performer] ; Tallinna Kammerkoor

    Tallinskij kamernyj chor (1 Schallpl)

    Sound Recordings


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    [S.l.]: Melodija, [ca. 1991]

  11. Schubert, Franz [Other]; Saar, Mart [Other]; Mägi, Ester [Other]; Tormis, Veljo [Other]; Areng, Kuno [Performer]; Sondeckis, Saulius [Performer]; Üleoja, Ants [Performer]; Talesh, Vera [Performer]; Kivi, Toivo [Performer]; Sild, Tarmo [Performer]; Indas, Ilme [Performer]; Kapten, Ene [Performer]; Johannson, Ivar [Performer] ; Tallinna Kammerkoor, Gosudarstvennyj Kamernyj Orkestr Litovskoj SSR Vil'njus

    Tallinna kammerkoor = Tallinskij Kamernyj Chor = The Tallinn Chamber choir (1 Schallpl)

    Sound Recordings


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    [S.l.]: Melodija, c 1984