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Stockholm: Art and Theory Publishing, 2016
Vujanović Östlind, Dragana
Hasselblad Foundation,
Hasselblad Center Göteborg,
Exhibition Still Life, Work Life - From the Hasselblad Foundation Collection 2013 Göteborg
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Stockholm: Art and Theory Publ., 2012
Muñoz, Oscar
Muñoz, Oscar
Vujanović Östlind, Dragana
Wolthers, Louise
[Editor]Hasselblad Center Göteborg,
Hasselblad Foundation
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Köln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, [2023]
Göteborg: B-B-B-Books, [2023]
Göteborg: Hasselblad Foundation, [2023]
Dijkstra, Rineke
Wolthers, Louise
Wolthers, Louise
[Writer of supplementary textual content];
Vujanović Östlind, Dragana
Vujanović Östlind, Dragana
[Writer of supplementary textual content];
Blessing, Jennifer
[Writer of supplementary textual content];
Fuchs, Rudi
[Writer of supplementary textual content];
Hartog Jager, Hans den
[Writer of supplementary textual content]Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König Köln,
Hasselblad Center Göteborg