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Konstanz: Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 1996
McCullough, Brianna
Patterson, Nicole
Lewis, Bridget
Grygleski, Mary
Jansen, Grace
Le-Nguyen, Tiffany
Ginn, Robin
Wang, Rosemary
Safari, an O’Reilly Media Company
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West Lafayette, Ind: Purdue University Press, 2023
Published in:Purdue information literacy handbooks
Barkhuizen, Gary Patrick
Barkhuizen, Gary Patrick
Biebricher, Christine
Bonnet, Andreas
Burri, Michael
Byker, Erik Jon
Castañeda-Peña, Harold
Chern, Chiou-lan
Cherry Chan, Sin Yu
Childs, Sharon
David Degollado, Enrique
Dressler, Roswita
D’Arienzo, Meredith
Feick, Diana
Guerrero-Nieto, Carmen Helena
Hiratsuka, Takaaki
Jackson, Jane
Kawalilak, Colleen
Kehoe, Shannon
Kim, YouJin
Knorr, Petra
Lin, Angel M. Y.
Lo, Mei-Lan
Loja Criollo, Ana
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Bristol; Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters, [2022]
Published in:Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching ; 17
Anand, Mahesh
Andrews-Hanna, Jeff
Andrews-Hanna, Jeffrey C.
Arai, Tomoko
Baker, David
Banks, Maria E.
Barber, Simeon
Barnes, Jessica J.
Bell, Aaron S.
Benna, Mehdi
Blewett, David T.
Bogert, C. H. van der
Bogert, Carolyn H. van der
Bogert, Carolyn van der
Borg, Lars E.
Bottke, William F.
Boyce, Jeremy W.
Breuer, Doris
Burney, David
Bussey, Ben J.
Cahill, J.
Cahill, Joshua T. S.
Canup, Robin M.
Carpenter, James D.