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  1. Wood, E. J. [Editor]; Wood, Edward J. [Other] ; Vereinigung der Europäischen Biochemischen Gesellschaften

    Microcomputers in biochemical education



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    London [u.a.]: Taylor & Francis, 1984

  2. Smith, Chris A. [Editor]; Wood, Edward J. [Other]

    Cell biology - [Repr. (with corr.)]



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    London [u.a.]: Chapman & Hall, 1993

    Published in: Molecular and cell biochemistry

  3. Smith, Chris A. [Editor]; Wood, Edward J. [Other]

    Molecular biology and biotechnology - [1. ed.]



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    London [u.a.]: Chapman & Hall, 1991

    Published in: Molecular and cell biochemistry

  4. Wood, Edward J. [Author]; Smith, Chris A. [Author]; Pickering, W. R. [Author] ; Wood, W. J. [Other]; Smith, C. A. [Other]

    Life chemistry & molecular biology



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    London: Portland Press, 1997

  5. Smith, Chris A. [Author]; Wood, Edward J. [Author] ; Smith, Christopher A. [Editor]

    Cell biology - [2. ed.]



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    London; Weinheim [u.a.]: Chapman & Hall, 1996

    Published in: Molecular and cell biochemistry

  6. Thalben-Ball, George Thomas [Other]; Darke, Harold [Other]; Wood, Charles [Other]; Stanford, Charles Villiers [Other]; Parry, C. Hubert H. [Other]; Davies, Walford [Other]; Hopkins, Edward John [Other]; Howells, Herbert [Other]; Le Grice, Ian [Performer]

    The Temple Church Legacy : Organ music from the Temple Church, London (1 CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    Buckinghamshire: Priory Records, [2000]

  7. Blaug, Mark [Author]; Eltis, Walter [Author]; O'Brien, Denis P. [Author]; Patinkin, Don [Author]; Skidelsky, Robert Jacob Alexander [Author]; Wood, Geoffrey [Author]

    The quantity theory of money : from Locke to Keynes and Friedman



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    Aldershot, Hants; Brookfield, Vermont: Edward Elgar, [1995]

  8. Wood, Ed [Other]; Reeves, Steve [Other]; Carducci, Mark Patrick [Other]; Lugosi, Bela [Other]; Vampira [Other]; Johnson, Tor [Other]; King, Loretta [Other]; Fuller, Dolores [Other]; Criswell [Other]; Hansen, Valda [Other]; Talbot, Lyle [Other]

    Ed-Wood-Box (3 DVD-Video)



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    [S.l.]: Winkler-Film, 2009

    Published in: Alive

  9. Kocher, Conrad [Composer]; Kirkpatrick, William J. [Composer]; Woodward, George Ratcliffe [Composer]; Wood, Charles [Composer]; Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix [Composer]; Britten, Benjamin [Composer]; Pearsall, Robert L. [Composer]; Hadley, Patrick [Composer]; Gauntlett, Henry J. [Composer]; Goss, John [Composer]; Gruber, Franz Xaver [Composer]; Ballet, W. [Composer] ; Willcocks, David [Editor]; Rutter, John [Editor]

    Fifty carols for sopranos and altos - Partitur

    Notated Music


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    London: Oxford University Press, 2015

    Published in: Carols for choirs ; 4

  10. Jacques, Reginald [Editor]; Tate, Phyllis [Other]; Shaw, Martin [Other]; Sargent, Malcolm [Other]; Sullivan, Arthur [Other]; Shaw, Geoffrey [Other]; Cooke, Arnold [Other]; Gauntlett, Henry J. [Other]; Berlioz, Hector [Other]; Cornelius, Peter [Other]; Joubert, John [Other]; Willcocks, David [Editor]; Britten, Benjamin [Other]; Kodály, Zoltán [Other]; Praetorius, Michael [Other]; Wood, Charles [Other]; Jacques, Reginald [Other]; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Other]; Poston, Elizabeth [Other]; Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix; Walton, William Sir

    Carols for choirs / 1, Fifty christmas carols / ed. and arr. by Reginald Jacques & David Willcocks - Partitur

    Notated Music


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    London: Oxford University Press, 2012

    Published in: Carols for choirs ; 1

  11. Ellington, Duke [Instrumentalist]; Tizol, Juan [Instrumentalist]; Hodges, Johnny [Instrumentalist]; Carney, Harry H. [Instrumentalist]; Gonsalves, Paul S. [Instrumentalist]; Hamilton, Jimmy [Instrumentalist]; Procope, Russell [Instrumentalist]; Bell, Aaron [Instrumentalist]; Woodyard, Sam [Instrumentalist]; Nance, Ray [Instrumentalist]; Cook, Willie [Instrumentalist]; Meringuito, Andres [Instrumentalist]; Mullins, Eddy [Instrumentalist]; Wilson, Gerald [Instrumentalist]; Brown, Lawrence [Instrumentalist]; Woodman, Britt [Instrumentalist]; Booty Wood [Instrumentalist] ; Duke Ellington Orchestra

    Piano in the background (1 CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    [S.l.]: Sony Music Entertainment, [2011]

  12. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author]; Skrowaczewski, Stanisław [Author] ; Ormandy, Eugene [Other]; Leinsdorf, Erich [Other]; Wood, Henry Joseph [Other]; Sargent, Malcolm [Other]; Barbirolli, John [Other]; Mitropoulos, Dimitri [Other]; Gui, Vittorio [Other]; Klemperer, Otto [Other]; Damrosch, Walter [Other]; Slatkin, Leonard [Performer] BBC Symphony Orchestra

    The conductors' transcriptions - [1. recording] (1 Super Audio CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    Colchester: Chandos Records, P 2004

  13. Carter, Jane [Other]; Wood, Henry Joseph [Other]; Arne, Thomas Augustine [Other]; Sargent, Malcolm [Other]; Parry, C. Hubert H. [Other]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Other]; Elgar, Edward [Other]; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Other]; Strauss, Richard [Other]; Šostakovič, Dmitrij Dmitrievič [Other]; MacBurney, Gerard [Other]; Grainger, Percy [Other]; Delius, Frederick [Other]; Davis, Andrew [Performer]; Hahn, Hilary [Performer]; Eaglen, Jane [Performer]; Watson, Janice [Performer]; Murray, Ann [Performer]; Spence, Toby [Performer]; Tear, Robert [Performer]; Davies, Neal [Performer] ; BBC Symphony Orchestra, British Broadcasting Corporation Symphony Chorus

    The last night of the proms (1 DVD-Video)



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    [S.l.]: BBC Worldwide, 2001

    Published in: BBC opus arte

  14. Goss, John [Composer]; Greene, Maurice [Composer]; Hadley, Patrick [Composer]; Harris, William Henry [Composer]; Harwood, Basil [Composer]; Howells, Herbert [Composer]; Ireland, John [Composer]; Lewis, Geraint [Composer]; Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix [Composer]; Morley, Thomas [Composer]; Bairstow, Edward C. [Composer]; Naylor, Edward Woodall [Composer]; Parsons, Robert [Composer]; Philips, Peter [Composer]; Purcell, Henry [Composer]; Stainer, John [Composer]; Stanford, Charles Villiers [Composer]; Tallis, Thomas [Composer]; Taverner, John [Composer]; Tomkins, Thomas [Composer]; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Composer]; Blow, John [Composer]; Walton, William Sir [Composer]; Wesley, Samuel Sebastian [Composer]; [...] ; King, Robert [Editor]

    English church music / 1, Anthems and motets - Partitur

    Notated Music


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    London [u.a.]: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010

    Published in: English church music / ed. by Robert King Series ed. John Rutter ; 1

  15. Byrd, William [Composer]; Gibbons, Orlando [Composer]; Philips, Peter [Composer]; Elgar, Edward [Composer]; Parsons, Robert [Composer]; Stanford, Charles Villiers [Composer]; Wesley, Samuel Sebastian [Composer]; Attwood, Thomas [Composer]; Walmisley, Thomas Attwood [Composer]; Wood, Charles [Composer]; Dering, Richard [Composer]; Weelkes, Thomas [Composer]; Stainer, John [Composer]; Crotch, William [Composer]; Tomkins, Thomas [Composer]; Tallis, Thomas [Composer]; Sheppard, John [Composer]; Greene, Maurice [Composer]; Parry, C. Hubert H. [Composer]; Morley, Thomas [Composer]; Purcell, Henry [Composer]; Battishill, Jonathan [Composer]; Batten, Adrian [Composer]; Stone, Robert [Composer]; [...] ; Mailänder, Richard [Editor]; Robinson, Christopher [Editor]

    English choral music : Motets and Anthems from Byrd to Elgar : Chorbuch für gemischten Chor a cappella oder mit Orgel : Chorleiterband mit CD = English choral music : motets and anthems from Byrd to Elgar : a choral collection for mixed choir a cappella or with organ accompaniment : choral conductor’s score with CD - Partitur

    Notated Music
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    Stuttgart: Carus, [2016]

  16. Berkeley, Lennox [Composer]; Weir, Judith [Composer]; Walker, Robert [Composer]; Willis, Richard Storrs [Composer]; Pierpont, James [Composer]; Nicolai, Philipp [Composer]; Ord, Boris [Composer]; Cornelius, Peter [Composer]; Leighton, Kenneth [Composer]; Edwards, Paul Christison [Composer]; Jackson, Stephen [Composer]; Wade, John Francis [Composer]; Lauridsen, Morten [Composer]; Victoria, Tomás Luis de [Composer]; Bennett, Richard Rodney [Composer]; Nelson, Robin [Composer]; Goss, John [Composer]; Gruber, Franz Xaver [Composer]; Skellern, Peter [Composer]; Gant, Andrew [Composer]; Bax, Arnold [Composer]; Kirkpatrick, William J. [Composer]; Joubert, John [Composer]; Byrd, William [Composer]; [...] ; Hill, David [Editor]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Adapter]; Sullivan, Arthur [Adapter]; Rose, Barry Michael [Adapter]; Allwood, Ralph [Adapter]; Massey, Roy [Adapter]; Willcocks, David [Adapter]; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Adapter]; Pettman, Edgar [Adapter]; Lloyd, Richard [Adapter]; O'Donnell, James [Adapter]; Dawkes, Hubert [Adapter]; Carter, Andrew [Adapter]; McWilliam, Clement [Adapter]

    Noël! / [1] - Partitur

    Notated Music
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    London [u.a.]: Novello, c 2000

    Published in: Noël! / selected and edited by David Hill ; 1