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New Haven: Yale University Press, [2019]
King, Ronald
Lambirth, Andrew
Yale Center for British Art,
Exhibition Cooking the Books: Ron King and Circle Press 2002 New Haven, Conn
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London: Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2022
Respini, Eva
Respini, Eva
Respini, Eva
[Writer of preface]Institute of Contemporary Art Boston, Mass,
Institute of Contemporary Art Boston, Mass,
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New Haven; London: Yale University Press, [2018]
Mekas, Jonas
Brašiškė, Inesa
Brašiškis, Lukas
Taxter, Kelly
Taxter, Kelly
[Writer of added text];
Halter, Ed
[Writer of added text];
Ragona, Melissa
[Writer of added text];
Uroskie, Andrew V.
[Writer of added text]YaleUniversityPress,
Jewish Museum New York, NY,
Lietuvos nacionalinis dailės muziejus
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New Haven; London: Yale University Press, [2021]
New York: Jewish Museum, [2021]
Draper, James David
Papet, Édouard
Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste
Carrara, Elena
Musée d'Orsay,
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Egyptian Expedition