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Wien [u.a.]: Medusa, 1983
Walla, August
Feilacher, Johann
Novomatic AG,
Galerie der Künstler aus Gugging,
Ausstellung "August Walla.! Weltallende" 2012 Klosterneuburg- Maria Gugging
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Wien; München: Brandstätter, 1999
Inckmann, Lisa
Wendt, Karin
Wendt, Karin
[Writer of supplementary textual content]
Kunsthaus Kannen,
Alexianer Münster GmbH,
Christof Kerber GmbH & Co. KG
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Lausanne: Collection de l'art brut, 2000
Hauser, Johann
Feilacher, Johann
Lombardi, Sarah
[Writer of added text];
Cardinal, Roger
[Writer of added text];
Parucki, Maria
[Writer of added text];
Strebl-Pühringer, Michaela
[Writer of added text]museum gugging